This is not my argument so it’s irrelevant to my position.
My argument was not only that God reveal rules in stages, but I also refuted the other reasons that Christians use to say that Gen. 2:24/Matthew 19:3-6 refers to monogamy. I did this by showing that “one flesh” can occur multiple times throughout a person’s lifetime.
Also, claiming that God “tolerated” polygamy presupposes that monogamy was all that God wanted. First show that monogamy was intended in the first place by addressing my points about “one flesh”. In other words, how does Genesis 2:24/Matthew 19:3-6 prove that God wanted monogamy?
It’s true that Jacob was tricked into being with Leah; but nonetheless, he still accepted her as his wife so that constituted a marriage. You say that God did not want any of his wives to be abandoned, but then you left out the fact that the act would be adultery if God wanted monogamy. You can’t have it both ways. Either God wants monogamy and he’s all-good, which means that He will not sin or use sin to bring about something or He approves of polygamy. Assuming your position is correct, God’s actions towards Jacob’s polygamous relationship would involved using sinful means to bring about another sinful end, that is, God wanting Jacob to love BOTH wives, so he helps these barren women become pregnant so Jacob would have more love for TWO wives.
We’ll have to continue this particular point about Jacob on my other thread.
post 50, the last sentence, you said that the one flesh is broken when the wife #1 dies, but now you’re saying that it can be broken when sexual immorality is involved? Which is it?
I can understand the thinking behind being one flesh between two living people and how death could sever that, but I find your current claim to be easier to deal with because then it puts more emphasis on sex. If just sex can sever the connection, then it stands to reason that sex could be enough to start the connection, as well, no different than what Paul mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:16. And of course, a man can have sex with multiple women giving him multiple one flesh unions.
True, but the context is not about monogamy nor polygamy, but about divorce vs. God’s original plan for marriage with no divorce.