I don’t consider myself a proper Catholic in that my parents pulled me out of church before I was actually confirmed; and though we went to Church off and on, they did not by any means live by the tenents. I am not well versed in the Catholic faith, I feel worlds away, but I do tune into EWTN on occastion, and I do pray (the lords prayer and the rosary) sporadically. That being said, let me tell you what inspired me about Constantine and made me want to get more into Catholic faith.
If you’re already praying the prayers and learning more about the faith with EWTN, you should just go ahead and take the plunge. Get into a good RCIA program and get confirmed. I had a somewhat similar background except my parents were atheists. My grandparents were Catholic and that’s why I was baptized. I get inspired by movies like Constantine as well even though I know it’s inaccurate on so many levels. Feel free to message me
I know this is a really old thread, but I’m glad it’s been made active again because I LOVE Constantine and it’s interesting to get different points of view on it.
I like campy noir myself. I really like it when they do that with a Catholic theme. I understand it may offend a lot of people, and I can empathize with why. The point of view I take with things like this is that things have been fictionalized and sometimes skewed for the sake of a far out story. Things like this do to Catholicism what 300 did to ancient history. I really liked 300 as well. I don’t expect people to have the same tastes I do (I like Night of the Demons and Evil Dead so, yeah.) but these films are a lot of fun for me.
I think it’s possible films like this can do more good than harm for the faith. The struggle between good and evil is compelling to many people and making the Catholic faith the protagonist in the struggle can be a positive thing, even if it is misrepresented. Films like this only increased my fascination with Catholicism ever since I was a child back when the Exorcist was still relevant. It is definitely not the reason I decided to be confirmed but for the Catholics out there wondering about the impact of the film on non Catholics let me assure you as a former secularist with misgivings (to put it mildly) about monotheism films like this put a really cool spin on the Church for me. When watching things like this I rooted for the Church. And if it opens discussions about the faith up between people who don’t understand it and people who live it then that is a good thing as well.
As far as the Bible in Hell goes - when I watched it as a non Catholic I assumed the extra scriptures were heresies or something. I mean, if there’s a Hell Bible and a Heaven Bible which one would you want to read? The Bible endorsed by the Father of Lies? The one read by evil beings and eternally suffering souls from a land of torture? I think if both of those books were put out for the general population by God and the devil and everyone knew it came directly from the two of them including non-believers I’m betting people with any shred of sanity would embrace the one that came from Heaven. Maybe I interpreted the film wrong.
As far as your question goes for what is okay, what is not okay, I think there is a lot of room for personal opinion. I’m not an expert but I think as long as a story however misguided is setting up the Catholics as the good guys trying to protect the world it’s okay to enjoy it.