carol marie:
So let me get this straight… the story of the Birth of Christ didn’t happen the way it was written…
Correct. Your relationship with God is not dependent on whether there were Magi or sheep in a stable, etc. To determine if something is history, you have to understand history and you have to allow writers to express the truth they are trying to convey in a way appropriate to their time and place.
I am not making up some new heretical theory here – the words I have been using are standard explanations given by most all Catholic bible scholars and are presented in most all bible related adult religious education classes. The infancy narratives are usually the prime example used for non-historical biblical analysis in adult education. Please don’t get me wrong - there are a boatload of essential truths being presented here but it is being done through rich symbolism and creative fiction.
the letting go of Barabbas didn’t happen the way it was written…
Correct – historians agree this was never a practice among Jews or Romans. BUT you are missing the point of the story if you only focus on that – this is a very rich symbolic passage included by the author to make an important point about the Jews and God the Father. The contemporary audience would have been well aware of that and we need to be willing to understand it correctly.
So let me get this straight… the story of the Birth of Christ didn’t happen the way it was written…
Correct. Your relationship with God is not dependent on whether there were Magi or sheep in a stable, etc. To determine if something is history, you have to understand history and you have to allow writers to express the truth they are trying to convey in a way appropriate to their time and place.
I am not making up some new heretical theory here – the words I have been using are standard explanations given by most all Catholic bible scholars and are presented in most all bible related adult religious education classes. The infancy narratives are usually the prime example used for non-historical biblical analysis in adult education. Please don’t get me wrong - there are a boatload of essential truths being presented here but it is being done through rich symbolism and creative fiction.
the letting go of Barabbas didn’t happen the way it was written…
Correct – historians agree this was never a practice among Jews or Romans. BUT you are missing the point of the story if you only focus on that – this is a very rich symbolic passage included by the author to make an important point about the Jews and God the Father. The contemporary audience would have been well aware of that and we need to be willing to understand it correctly.
And the authors presented the word of God in many different forms of writing! The goal is to believe in the truths presented by the words, not to make an idol of the words and stories themselves. For a good Catholic introduction to this subject, I suggest “And God Said What? An Introduction to Biblical Literary Forms” By Margaret Ralph (director of religious education for the diocese of Lexington) published by the Paulist Press.See the problem… when you start to pitch some of the Bible it’s so easy to pitch the rest! Which isn’t a problem I suppose, you are free to make up whatever you want… believe whatever you want. But as for me, by beliefs are based on the Word of God.