The New Evangelization

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How can we effectively evangelize our Catholic faith?

I personally had a very long struggle with my conversion to RCC, but I have such incredible peace now that I am here. I feel sorry that others can’t or won’t understand the beauty of the fullness of the faith.

any ideas?

Peace –
It’s getting a lot easier. Anti-Catholicism has been around for a long time. Catholic Apologetics is relatively new, at least in the sense that we have them now (St. Paul was probably the first Catholic apologist [read Romans 2-4], and others, such as Augustine and Aquinas practiced it, though they were not apologists, just theologians who did some apologetics)
We’ve been doing the “ACTS” retreats here in the Diocese of Beaumont. It originated in San Antonio. It’s similar to Cursillo’s but its more of a parish based retreat.

Anyway, there are about 5 parishes that are heavily active in it, and it’s beginning to filter into 10-20 more. You can really see the difference in these parishes!

I’d recommend doing something like this.

  1. Read your Bible and pray, daily.
  2. Order a Bible Study course online (there are a number of FREE Catholic Bible Study courses - there’s even a thread or two on here about where to get them).
  3. Take the course yourself.
  4. Talk to your priest and organize a Bible Study. Tell him you have the material and would like to lead it, but would like him present to curb you in if you go astray.
  5. Ask to publish an “Apologetics Column” in your parish bulletin. Tell your priest that you’ll keep it under x amount of words. Start with the Eucharist, and then do Catholic responses to “Have you been saved?!?”. Tell your priest you’ll have it to him a couple of days early to stamp an unofficial nihil obstat on it.
  6. Spend some time in adoration of the Blessed Sacriment.
Do any combo of the above, and you should be good.

God bless,
*Texas Cajun:

Has anyone read Pope B XVI’s address to Catechists and Religion Teachers in December 2000? It’s entitled “The New Evangelization.” If possible, I would like to talk about “how” to evangelize or about Catholic writings regarding evangelization. I believe this could be more fun and productive, which is the reason I joined catholic answers forums. *

Maybe if one of us could find this paper, we could heat this thread up? I for one am interested in reading it.

If I find it, I’ll post a link or something.

RyanL said:
1. Read your Bible and pray, daily.
2. Order a Bible Study course online (there are a number of FREE Catholic Bible Study courses - there’s even a thread or two on here about where to get them).
3. Take the course yourself.
4. Talk to your priest and organize a Bible Study. Tell him you have the material and would like to lead it, but would like him present to curb you in if you go astray.
5. Ask to publish an “Apologetics Column” in your parish bulletin. Tell your priest that you’ll keep it under x amount of words. Start with the Eucharist, and then do Catholic responses to “Have you been saved?!?”. Tell your priest you’ll have it to him a couple of days early to stamp an unofficial nihil obstat on it.
6. Spend some time in adoration of the Blessed Sacriment.

Do any combo of the above, and you should be good.

God bless,

Thank you for the great ideas! I must be on the right track already because I have been doing #1,2,3 & 6 – now to get going on #4 & 5!!

We have a new head pastor and I understand that they had a very good, very well-attended Catholic Bible Study at his former parish.

peace –
Story said:
*Texas Cajun: *

*Has anyone read Pope B XVI’s address to Catechists and Religion Teachers in December 2000? It’s entitled “The New Evangelization.” If possible, I would like to talk about “how” to evangelize or about Catholic writings regarding evangelization. I believe this could be more fun and productive, which is the reason I joined catholic answers forums. *

Maybe if one of us could find this paper, we could heat this thread up? I for one am interested in reading it.

If I find it, I’ll post a link or something.


I think this link takes you to the document. I have not read the whole thing but it looks like it is the one.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Peace –
How can we effectively evangelize our Catholic faith?

I personally had a very long struggle with my conversion to RCC, but I have such incredible peace now that I am here. I feel sorry that others can’t or won’t understand the beauty of the fullness of the faith.

any ideas?

Peace –
It is easier than you think. I moved to my current parish two years ago and immediately felt there was something needed. After a little prayer and visiting with friends to feel my idea out, I went to the parish priest and began the first mens bible study here. Since the first week of Jan 05 we have been meeting weekly at 6 am. Small group but hey, it is quality not quantity right? And when other men need it, it is here. Nothing ground breaking but if two other people start a small group to learn/discern/contemplate…name it, the faith. We are evangelizing. You could any number of things. There are numerous materials out there.

Best wishes

It is easier than you think. I moved to my current parish two years ago and immediately felt there was something needed. After a little prayer and visiting with friends to feel my idea out, I went to the parish priest and began the first mens bible study here. Since the first week of Jan 05 we have been meeting weekly at 6 am. Small group but hey, it is quality not quantity right? And when other men need it, it is here. Nothing ground breaking but if two other people start a small group to learn/discern/contemplate…name it, the faith. We are evangelizing. You could any number of things. There are numerous materials out there.

Best wishes

wow, that’s wonderful! When the men lead, the whole body is blessed. Do you find it easier to talk to family members & other parisioners about faith issues because of it?

I think this link takes you to the document. I have not read the whole thing but it looks like it is the one.

Yes, it was off of EWTN’s website. They had JP II’s letter and our current pope’s letter. He does a great job of defining evangilize, “new evangelization,” and convert. He also stresses the need for humality and, as stated by our friend starting the men’s bible study, it focuses on quality NOT quantity.

I would love to examine this great letter if anyone else has time to read it.
wow, that’s wonderful! When the men lead, the whole body is blessed. Do you find it easier to talk to family members & other parisioners about faith issues because of it?


I am kindof in your face on some things. If a family member says something inaccurate about the faith I will step up and be charitable. (That is not the right word but saying "hey duffus your wrong would not work:)) For some reason I find it easy to talk about my faith and Catholicism in general in darn near any situation. However, I have not run into anyone (yet) that is hostile to Catholics either. In Kansas the predominant religion is Catholic and Non Practicing Catholic. Plus, I run with Catholics mostly anyway so if religion does come up we are sharing much of the same.

BTW- thank you for the compliment. I attended the Midwest Catholic Family Conference in Wichita a couple years ago and one of the speakers really drove home the man’s role in faith and family. Really made an impression. You are right if more Catholic Men would stand up and live it, I think the Church would different perhaps better.

I haven’t read all of it, but I like what he says in part II, paragraph 17 about the scriptures and the witness of the apostles. He quotes St. Jerome who said, “ignorance of the scriptures is ignorance of Christ”

That should motivate us to take some good Catholic Bible Studies!
BTW- thank you for the compliment. I attended the Midwest Catholic Family Conference in Wichita a couple years ago and one of the speakers really drove home the man’s role in faith and family. Really made an impression. You are right if more Catholic Men would stand up and live it, I think the Church would different perhaps better.

Eric, It’s wonderful to hear about Catholic laymen being excited about the Faith. I am a convert from (most recently) a pentacostal church that had lots of ex-Catholic men (2 of their pastors were ex-Catholic) who were into Bible study, enthusiastically sharing their testimonies, openly praying and proclaiming Jesus as Lord.
Unfortunately, the only Catholic men I have been very close to (including my dear husband) are very private about their faith, and do not practice it except for Sunday mass. Although, now that I have made a complete conversion (it took me about 15 years to really “get it”) I am meeting more and more very godly Catholic men and women.

I love my dh and thank God for him. I just would love to see him get excited about God.

Eric, It’s wonderful to hear about Catholic laymen being excited about the Faith. I am a convert from (most recently) a pentacostal church that had lots of ex-Catholic men (2 of their pastors were ex-Catholic) who were into Bible study, enthusiastically sharing their testimonies, openly praying and proclaiming Jesus as Lord.
Unfortunately, the only Catholic men I have been very close to (including my dear husband) are very private about their faith, and do not practice it except for Sunday mass. Although, now that I have made a complete conversion (it took me about 15 years to really “get it”) I am meeting more and more very godly Catholic men and women.

I love my dh and thank God for him. I just would love to see him get excited about God.

Recently I attended an ACTS Retreat with 31 other men Retreatents and 30 team members. Never have I seen a more active group of men willing to share their faith, which is why I joined the team. These guys either know the bible and our faith or are actively learning the bible and our faith. It’s wonderful and inspiring just to be around them!

Recently I attended an ACTS Retreat with 31 other men Retreatents and 30 team members. Never have I seen a more active group of men willing to share their faith, which is why I joined the team. These guys either know the bible and our faith or are actively learning the bible and our faith. It’s wonderful and inspiring just to be around them!

It sounds like a great retreat. I have heard of Cursillo, but I haven’t heard of any retreats called ACTS. is it nationwide? Do they have a website? thanks for the info…

Texas Cajun:
I think this link takes you to the document. I have not read the whole thing but it looks like it is the one.

Yes, it was off of EWTN’s website. They had JP II’s letter and our current pope’s letter. He does a great job of defining evangilize, “new evangelization,” and convert. He also stresses the need for humality and, as stated by our friend starting the men’s bible study, it focuses on quality NOT quantity.

I would love to examine this great letter if anyone else has time to read it.
Texas, that is a great letter.

our Archdiocese is doing an “Evangelization Initiative” this year. I think each parish is required to come up with a plan to show that we are doing something in that direction, like a Bible Study or Small Group efforts.

A quote I came across:
*“Evangelizing is **in fact the grace **and vocation proper **to the Church, her **deepest identity.” —*Paul VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi


It’s great to hear that your diocese is starting to evangelize. A priest from my former parish began Evangelization retreats which continued after the weekend retreat. How is your diocese approaching evangelization? Good luck with the program!!

As far a Pope B XVI’s letter goes, I like how he stresses humility and quality over quantity. I appreciated his clarification of St. Paul’s extensive travels and preaching which resulted in small quality communitites. Too often I think of evangelization as being quanity. He also stated how evangelization is NOT about oneself but about God (humility).

Texas Cajun
I totally agree with you that we need to focus on quality, not quantity. You never know how God will multiply our efforts even when we invite just one new member into the Church. I know how the Evangelicals do it because I was one before my conversion to Catholicism. However, I would like to be able to reach my Catholic brothers and sisters who have become lukewarm and help them get excited about the faith…as a convert it is hard, tho. I feel like I am in no position to teach them something I have only recently embraced myself.

Our Archdiocese has set up an Office for Evangelization, and one of our Bishops oversees the Office. On the website they have the following links:

Pope Paul VI “On Evangelization in the Modern World (Evangelii Nuntiandi).”
Pope John Paul II “On the Permanent Validity of the Church’s Missionary Mandate (Redemptoris Missio),” “The Church in America (Ecclesia in America)” and “At the Close of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 (Novo Millennio Ineunte).”
The bishops of the United States “Go and Make Disciples, A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States.”

I guess I should take time to read some of these documents!

Recently I attended an ACTS Retreat with 31 other men Retreatents and 30 team members. Never have I seen a more active group of men willing to share their faith, which is why I joined the team. These guys either know the bible and our faith or are actively learning the bible and our faith. It’s wonderful and inspiring just to be around them!

I have been to many retreats , Life in the Spirit type as well as contempletive ones, and I benefited from them greatly.

I have also been on Acts retreats, as a retreatant and team member.
They are truly wonderful and have had a tremendously wonderful effect on the spirituality and vitality of our parish. This includes a growth in our evangelization efforts of our parish as well as individuals.

If you get a chance go to one , you will be blessed.

It sounds like a great retreat. I have heard of Cursillo, but I haven’t heard of any retreats called ACTS. is it nationwide? Do they have a website? thanks for the info…

They originated out of San Antonio. They are similar to Cursillo’s but they encourage parish participation more. Sometimes an entire ACTS retreat is made up of only one parish. Imagine the life pumped into a parish when 30 men have their faith increased exponentially, followed by 30 women shortly thereafter!

I’ll try and get their website for you. Try

Good Luck,

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