The New Mein Kampf: Zarqawi Speaks

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One of the most common observations about World War II was that if only Western leaders had heeded what the National Socialist Worker’s Party and its leader Adolf Hitler were saying, they would have known of the grave danger facing the world. After all, it’s not as if the Nazi Party or its frenzied Fuhrer tried to hide what they were about.

On the contrary, in speech after speech, newspaper after newspaper and book after book, Hitler and other senior Nazis laid out in some detail their plans for European domination, the destruction of parliamentary democracy and the elimination of the Jewish people.

Visit any museum of tolerance or Holocaust memorial and you’ll find amble prose lamenting the fact that Western leaders failed to heed the clear warnings, failed to understand that these apparently crazy people meant exactly what they said and said exactly what they meant. Exactly because they were reasonable, honorable men, people like Prime Minister Chamberlain were unable to comprehend that buffoons with dangerous ideas could actually be serious about what they intended.

The result was a wholly preventable war that took the lives of tens of millions of people. Today, a similar bunch of madmen are stating clearly what they intend. And, sadly, except for the President of the United States, most Western leaders are again pretending that barbarism does not exist.

Now, as then, their lack of imagination, empathy and understanding will end up costing us a price in blood we could well avoid.

The Source of Islamic Terrorism…

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