The New Security Supremo

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GB has just appointed the new Supremo to look over and co-ordinate all 15 organisations with a security brief in the USA.

Considering the past history of antipathy between differing branches of the security services and the results of a number of Enquiry’s that demonstrated their inability or reluctance to exchange information, how do you feel this post will work, and do you think the holder will be the “Fall Guy” in the event of another 9/11 scenario?
I personally think that Porter Goss would have made a better NDI than Negroponte. Negroponte is a fantastic foreign diplomat that MAY have been an even better choice as Secretary of State than Dr. Rice. Porter Goss is former CIA, served on the House Intellignece Committee, and is overhauling the CIA. He knows the intelligence community as well as anyone, and his connections and relationship within Congress would have been beneficial.

(Oh, wait, I am an Extreme Right Wing Republican. What am I doing criticising His Holiness GW Bush. Belay my last)

I think that whoever Bush appoints to NDI, even if it were Michael Moore, would exceed expectations, just because El Presidente appointed him.
I personally think that Porter Goss would have made a better NDI than Negroponte. Negroponte is a fantastic foreign diplomat that MAY have been an even better choice as Secretary of State than Dr. Rice. Porter Goss is former CIA, served on the House Intellignece Committee, and is overhauling the CIA. He knows the intelligence community as well as anyone, and his connections and relationship within Congress would have been beneficial.

(Oh, wait, I am an Extreme Right Wing Republican. What am I doing criticising His Holiness GW Bush. Belay my last)

I think that whoever Bush appoints to NDI, even if it were Michael Moore, would exceed expectations, just because El Presidente appointed him.

Any more like that and you could become an honourable Brit.
I personally think that Porter Goss would have made a better NDI than Negroponte. Negroponte is a fantastic foreign diplomat that MAY have been an even better choice as Secretary of State than Dr. Rice.
What is Negroponte’s experience? I agree that he would be better for relations with Mexico (I think he was ambassador there under Clinton, or mabey Bush 41) and perhaps the middle east (wasn’t he there for a while?). Perhaps Dr. RIce is being groomed for bigger and better things. Before lent I heard several talking heads in the Radio propose her as a possible presidential candidate in 2008 (I don’t think it would happen).
(Oh, wait, I am an Extreme Right Wing Republican. What am I doing criticising His Holiness GW Bush. Belay my last)

I think that whoever Bush appoints to NDI, even if it were Michael Moore, would exceed expectations, just because El Presidente appointed him.
“His HOliness” and “El Presidente”…priceless 😉

I tend to agree with Scott. It was an interesting choice. We will see how he does.
Negroponte is a fantastic foreign diplomat that MAY have been an even better choice as Secretary of State than Dr. Rice.
A most astute observation!!!
GB has just appointed the new Supremo to look over and co-ordinate all 15 organisations with a security brief in the USA.
By the way, in the US, for some unknown reason, we tend to call people in these postions Tsars not Supermos.
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