The New Slave Trade

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The New Slave Trade
                                                               Duncan Maxwell Anderson
The New Slave Trade

Young people creating a scandal over sex has been a problem for, oh, 10,000 years. But the last few decades may be the first time in our country’s history that our adult institutions, instead of trying to keep the young on the strait and narrow path, have taken it as their mission to help kids leap headlong into the abyss. A few examples:

Last spring, some Harvard undergraduates asked the university’s publication committee (allegedly composed of grown-ups) for money to start a sex magazine, complete with naked pictures of undergraduates. Arguing that the First Amendment seemed to demand it, the committee voted 14-0 to approve the magazine, which was later funded with $2,000 and some scented candles.

I’m just kidding about the candles — I think.

Around that same time, coeds at Princeton University were being treated to a “Pleasure Workshop,” where visiting speaker Emily Kramer, 26, “dumped a bag full of vibrators into the middle of the 80 girls in attendance,” according to Princeton’s student newspaper, The Daily Princetonian.

Senior Courtney Hogan-Jones had this to say after Miss Kramer’s talk, “I was talking with people I’d never met before about whether they masturbate or not.” As I interpret her words, she saw this as a benefit.


To take back our kids and our culture, a great place to start is by abolishing Title X — that sneaky little regulation that funds our century’s version of the Slave Trade.
yes this is what happens when there are no rules restraining men’s insatiable lust and women’s insatiable craving for attention.
yes this is what happens when there are no rules restraining men’s insatiable lust and women’s insatiable craving for attention.
It appears that the women were also afflicted with a little insatiable lust. Oops! I guess the vibrators were supposed to take care of that.
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