The Nicene Creed: What Catholics believe in a nutshell

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hmm readin it again it doesn’t seem qute the same wording. A few differences between how we say it, (same as the Catechism), and what is posted.

Are there varying translations that are of legal use in the liturgy?
Not tring to be a litrugial watchdog, just qondering.
Yep, there are indeed various translations…I think the line that you are wondering about is the one that says
" For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried." The meaning is the same is it not?
ok, I’ll do that. I’m pretty sure we haven’t recited either one. Some Protestant friends of mine ahve told me that they’ve heard that this is a liberal parish. I don’t know if that has anything to do with it or not
JM, that’s a laugh when a Prot calls a Catholic Church liberal… :rolleyes:
Church Militant:
JM, that’s a laugh when a Prot calls a Catholic Church liberal… :rolleyes:
Maybe, I don’t know. I do know that there are alot of conservative Protestant churches.
Church Militant:
Yep, there are indeed various translations…I think the line that you are wondering about is the one that says
" For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried." The meaning is the same is it not?
Aye, and a couple others.

For us men and for our salvation
he became incarnate from *was born of *the Virgin Mary,
and was made became man.
he suffered death , died, and was buried.
in accordance with *fulfillment of *the Scriptures;

I don’t know if there is a problemwith it of corse, some of that doesn’t quite jive right as I see it, and seams to have a subtle difference that could open the door to comfusion.

no man vs man
I I see it the ommision of man tends to dismiss the universiality to Jesus, that he cane for all, not jsut those who profess the creed.

was made vs became.
was made implies the the very heresy that the creed was formulated to dismiss, although *became incarnate from *helps to offset that interpretation

suffered death vs , died,
suffered death, has a much more pasive tone, whereas *, died, *although not implicating Jesus’ active giving up of His sprit, at least does not lean against it

accordance with vs fulfillment of
some of the power of the proclimation is lost when using *accordance with, *it appears to not be as definitive that Jesus is the Mesisah

I’m not tring to pick nits, and I don’t want come across as arrogant either. I’m just couirous if the other translations are approved for use in the liturgy. My knowledge of the GIRM is rather limited.
ok, I’ll do that. I’m pretty sure we haven’t recited either one. Some Protestant friends of mine ahve told me that they’ve heard that this is a liberal parish. I don’t know if that has anything to do with it or not
Where is it? Massachusetts? California?
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