THE NIGHT HAG???????????????

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I am just wondering, how many here have had nightly supernatural experiences? For example, there are many people who being fully awaken at night, cannot move, almost like a paralysis, and many have said that they have seen what they describe as an old hag type of entity in their bedroom, and some have felt that this entity has been the cause of that temporary paralysis, others have said they actually have felt as is something has actually sat in bed with them, but when say some prayers in that semi-paralyzed state, whatever it is lets go.
Any thoughts on this? Or shared experiences? Please be serious, I am not intending this as comedy, but real experiences by some.
Many blessings.
I don’t know about a night hag, but once I was terrifed when I thought I saw a black golden retriver.
I don’t know about a night hag, but once I was terrifed when I thought I saw a black golden retriver.
Amazing, scary.
The brain paralyzes the body when you are asleep to prevent it from reacting in dreams. We have a case in this area where the mechanism failed and a woman dreamed she was diving, and did dive from the foot of her bed into the closet and broke her neck. She is quadriplegic.

Sometimes we come nearly out of a dream and get sensations from the room, but find our body is still paralyzed until we come fully awake. We tend to slip back and forth from dream to reality when in this state.

Or at least that is my experience. I am not an expert on the human body or mind.
Sometimes we come nearly out of a dream and get sensations from the room, but find our body is still paralyzed until we come fully awake. We tend to slip back and forth from dream to reality when in this state.
The phenomenon is known as Isolated Sleep Paralysis. It is a well-documented medical condition that affects people across all ethnic, gender and age lines. However, I wouldn’t discount the possibility that some people’s experiences are caused by spiritual forces, as well.

Disclaimer: Don’t let the name fool you, I’m not really a doctor. I just happen to know about this.
Actually I was fully away and putting my little dog out. Our front yard is quite well lit because of the street light but that night it was oddly shaddowed. Then I saw it. I am sure it was not real because no one has golden retreviers in my neighborhood. I froze stiff for I don’t know how long, with my hand clinging around my dog’s coller. I slammed the door and locked it…I was terrified that it could open the door to come in (I don’t know why I thought it could open the door…oh yah…I remeber thinking that that was the danger of black golden retervers. I went to my bed and curled into a ball…I was so scarred.
I know people have hypothesized that the “night hag” referred to in some cultures is the same phenomenon as the “Incubus” and other various fairies and demons that would visit people in the night, and the same as the little grey aliens with big eyes that abduct people and carry out all sorts of frightful experiments. And that, as others have alluded to, these may all be related to the sleep paralysis effect, and perhaps other funny effects originating within our brains.
I have experienced that feeling before, even to the vision of a dark “figure” moving through the room. I was trying to move, and even to wake myself up, but felt totally paralyzed. I finally closed my eyes and opened them again, AND IT WAS STILL THERE. I closed my eyes a second time, and then it was over. I attribute it to being in a kind of “semi-sleep” state, actually having my eyes open, but not awake, still seeing remnants of my dreams. It does not happen often, last time was a few years ago. But, I can tell you. . .I WAS FREAKED! I don’t believe in the supernatural, so I am not worried about ghosts, but I do know that evil is present in many forms, especially in my head.:whacky:
This is the first time that I have heard that other people had a “night hag” experience besides me!!! Well thats interesting. My “night hag” experience kept me from sleeping with my back to the door for about 4 years, LOL! :eek:
People have told me they at times have heard footsteps in their bedrooms at night, and one said he saw an old woman with white straw like hair, and one eye dressed in black, and she told him(this is a very serious professional guy) “thee will do” and when he blinked, she :crying: was not there.
I was having a wierd dream one night. In the dream a young woman and an old woman were having an arguement. I was hiding behind something watching this arguement. I don’t know what they were argueing about, but after a moment the arguement turned violent. I woke up at that point. My position in bed was such that I was facing the wall when I woke. I lay there for about a minute thinking about the dream…actually I was thinking it was a stupid dream to be honest. I rolled over to face away from the way (just trying to get comfortable) the old woman in my dream was standing right next to my bed looking down at me with a really evil looking smile. She had long white strawlike hair and pasty white skin. I sat up with a start and let out a yell and she was gone.

At the time I just chalked it up as not being completely awake and having my dream spill over into my wakefulness. Still creeped me out for alot of years. Even though its been almost 20 years since it happened I still remember it vividly. Especially when I roll over to face away form the door! :eek:
I am just wondering, how many here have had nightly supernatural experiences? For example, there are many people who being fully awaken at night, cannot move, almost like a paralysis, and many have said that they have seen what they describe as an old hag type of entity in their bedroom, and some have felt that this entity has been the cause of that temporary paralysis, others have said they actually have felt as is something has actually sat in bed with them, but when say some prayers in that semi-paralyzed state, whatever it is lets go.
Any thoughts on this? Or shared experiences? Please be serious, I am not intending this as comedy, but real experiences by some.
Many blessings.
A guy in my Army platoon swore that a demon or the devil appeared to him one night and threatened him. He may have grown-up pseudo christian but he was not what I (or he) would have described as christian. Anyway, he called out to Jesus by name and the thing left. The next day he sought me out and inquired about how to have a relationship with God. His conversion “stuck” for at least the next 15 months that I knew him while I was in the Army.
I usually don’t put too much stock into this kind of stuff, but I experienced something like this last week! I woke up as I was turning over in bed, and I saw a shadowy figure standing over me. I couldn’t tell if it was a male or female, and couldn’t see any of it’s features.

I’m not sure if it was a dream or not, though, because I jumped out of bed and ran right through where it would have been standing. Needless to say, I had trouble getting to sleep for the rest of the week.
I’ve had this happen.

I believe in the Bible…therefore I believe in the Supernatural…

I also believe that this experience is more supernatural than psychologically explained

My theory is: Somehow, between that waking/semi waking/semi dream state but yet knowing we arent dreaming…our brain for that brief amount of time is “unlocked” so to speak and allowing us a glimpse into the other reality/dimensions that exist.

What I do not understand is, why more people than not, see these entities as black and evil allowed to see our Angel guardians visibly protecting us or being there while we are in this state is what I cannot theorize.
I had this experience over and over and it was always during that twilight time just between sleep and wakefulness. A very nasty, whispering, mocking voice would whisper my name LOUDLY in my right ear. Always the right one. My body would stiffen though I wouldn’t call it paralysis. I usually went back to sleep. I thought I wasn’t fully awake and explained it away, even when it happened more than once.

But once, I was fully awake, at the refrigerator one night cause I was thirsty and the my name was spoken out loud…not whispering. I thought it was husband behind me. I turned around and it was no one. It ended when one time I finally got aggravated and said “WHAT???” Got no answer and it hasn’t happened sense.
Faithful 2 Rome:
I’ve had this happen.

I believe in the Bible…therefore I believe in the Supernatural…

I also believe that this experience is more supernatural than psychologically explained

My theory is: Somehow, between that waking/semi waking/semi dream state but yet knowing we arent dreaming…our brain for that brief amount of time is “unlocked” so to speak and allowing us a glimpse into the other reality/dimensions that exist.

What I do not understand is, why more people than not, see these entities as black and evil allowed to see our Angel guardians visibly protecting us or being there while we are in this state is what I cannot theorize.
I have experienced this several times, especially when I was in college and had fallen away from the church. It happened particularly at times when either I was distancing myself from my faith or when I was growing closer for some reason. In each event, the room was as it was in reality, but something was trying to take me away. I recognized the evil and although part of me tried to say it was just a dream and meant nothing, there was another, far stronger instinct telling me to fight…and that was the form of physically making the sign of the cross or if the “thing” was too strong, then to pray the Our Father or Hail Mary.

Sometimes I would “speak” the sign of the cross, and I could never make an actual sound, so it meant concentrating on the words mentally as I prayed. Each word loosened the “hold” on me…and I am very serious when I say I clenched muscles and felt hands gripping my wrists so that I could not move or strike out.

And then when I completed the prayer I would wake up and the light, everything would be as it was in the “dream”. Sometimes in the “dream” I would “float” around the room in some spiritual battle…it wa so weird.

I finally talked to a priest on teh campus, one someone had told me was an exorcist in the past and in some advanced theology classes discussed the experience. Well, interestingly enough, the experiences ended after that. I have had experience in a much milder form, and as always they have occurred both while I was just waking up or just going to sleep. But the worst were when I was in a deep sleep…and awakened to such a horrible event.

Psychologists may want to pass this off as a medical event…but I do believe that there is more to it. Amazing that so many have experienced this and with the same spiritual reaction to it.
I was having a wierd dream one night. In the dream a young woman and an old woman were having an arguement. I was hiding behind something watching this arguement. I don’t know what they were argueing about, but after a moment the arguement turned violent. I woke up at that point. My position in bed was such that I was facing the wall when I woke. I lay there for about a minute thinking about the dream…actually I was thinking it was a stupid dream to be honest. I rolled over to face away from the way (just trying to get comfortable) the old woman in my dream was standing right next to my bed looking down at me with a really evil looking smile. She had long white strawlike hair and pasty white skin. I sat up with a start and let out a yell and she was gone.

At the time I just chalked it up as not being completely awake and having my dream spill over into my wakefulness. Still creeped me out for alot of years. Even though its been almost 20 years since it happened I still remember it vividly. Especially when I roll over to face away form the door! :eek:
That’s her, so so many people have had similar encounters with the “old hag” entity.
Joe Kelley:
The brain paralyzes the body when you are asleep to prevent it from reacting in dreams. We have a case in this area where the mechanism failed and a woman dreamed she was diving, and did dive from the foot of her bed into the closet and broke her neck. She is quadriplegic.

Sometimes we come nearly out of a dream and get sensations from the room, but find our body is still paralyzed until we come fully awake. We tend to slip back and forth from dream to reality when in this state.

Or at least that is my experience. I am not an expert on the human body or mind.

I had the weirdest dream the other day - I dreamed I saw one of the competitors in the Tour de France slowly turn into a caterpillar, in glorious Technicolor. It was very vivid - and it was untrue 🙂

I think it was because I had been watching the Tour. So the sights and sounds were perfectly explicable by natural causes. IMO we should not be too ready to drag in the preternatural or the supernatural, least of all if something can be explained by body chemistry and so forth. The complexity of the body and mind and their interactuons is amazing - it’s like another world. ##
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