THE NIGHT HAG???????????????

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I had this experience over and over and it was always during that twilight time just between sleep and wakefulness. A very nasty, whispering, mocking voice would whisper my name LOUDLY in my right ear. Always the right one. My body would stiffen though I wouldn’t call it paralysis. I usually went back to sleep. I thought I wasn’t fully awake and explained it away, even when it happened more than once.

But once, I was fully awake, at the refrigerator one night cause I was thirsty and the my name was spoken out loud…not whispering. I thought it was husband behind me. I turned around and it was no one. It ended when one time I finally got aggravated and said “WHAT???” Got no answer and it hasn’t happened sense.
That is scary:eek: .
I wonder if the Night hag or these night entities are demons???
I’ve gotten it. I’ve noticed it’s mostly when I’m REALLY overtired and stressed out, but it’s happened randomly as well.

I don’t hear words, more like hissing, and I can open my eyes, but I can’t see anything,(like being in the middle of a dark tunnel) and I have a hard time breathing. I generally tell myself to relax and sleep some more and I end up being fine later when I wake up wake up.
I’ve gotten it. I’ve noticed it’s mostly when I’m REALLY overtired and stressed out, but it’s happened randomly as well.

I don’t hear words, more like hissing, and I can open my eyes, but I can’t see anything,(like being in the middle of a dark tunnel) and I have a hard time breathing. I generally tell myself to relax and sleep some more and I end up being fine later when I wake up wake up.
Wow, that’s common too.
I’ve never had an experience with the “night hag”, as it was put, but there have been several occasions when I would feel like I was being closely watched by something -bad- in my room. I would cross myself or brandish my Rosary and it would disappear.
I’ve never had an experience with the “night hag”, as it was put, but there have been several occasions when I would feel like I was being closely watched by something -bad- in my room. I would cross myself or brandish my Rosary and it would disappear.
:eek: Wow, me too! Sprinkle HOLY WATER in ALL corners, and say: Oh Mary concieved without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."
My friend saw a dark shadow om his wall one night, and the felt paralyzed.:eek:
This is the first time that I have heard that other people had a “night hag” experience besides me!!! Well thats interesting. My “night hag” experience kept me from sleeping with my back to the door for about 4 years, LOL! :eek:
As I wrote out in the thread, Scariest Encounter With Evil, I had an experience of my friend calling my wife and I outside to show us a “Dark thing” standing in the tree next to our property. After we prayed we immediately saw a white light come from another area of our yard and move towards the tree then dissappear.

After that my wife confided in me something she said had “never occurred to her to tell me”, and that was that a Shadow would sit behind me and talk to her, mostly telling her I bad things about me and getting her to question things about me. The only exact statement I remember her telling me was that this thing told her “Dont trust him, you cant, you can trust me, Ive never lied to you, he has”…needless to say I was a little disturbed hearing this. She described the voice as having a calming soothing effect on her which made her feel no danger.

After telling this to my father, he confided in me that a coworker had been having encounters with a shadow that was speaking to her as well…with this shadow though, she said she felt like it was trying to seduce her, speaking in a sexy seductive voice that I dont think she could tell was male or female. THe shadow would also sit onn her in bed and speak to her. From what I remember she was in Hawaii on vacation and went into a Catholic Church where she received prayer from the entire congregation and the visits stopped.

I dont know, at least a year after this I met 2 brothers in my Jeet Kune Do class, we all became friends and began hanging out with eachother…One day one of the brothers and I had rented the Mothman Prophecies, which, although being Hollywood, captures a lot of the “feel” of these things I know all too well (The shadow is just a recent feature in my life, Ive had experiences with other things way before this started).

Well upon taking him home I talked with his brother at the house about how creepy the movie was and our talk go into the supernatural and he asked if I could pray for his room because a picture in his room kept falling off the wall while he was asleep, he would hang it up and then find it on the ground the next day.

After praying for the room (Weird stuff happened there but doesnt involve the shadow so I will refrain) he starts telling me about some experiences from when he lived in Santa Cruz, before he had moved down here…Of course to my dismay, it was a tale of a black shadow holding him down in bed and “getting touchy feely”. (From what I know entities that do this to males are Succubus)

Talking about this one time I was told that this sounds like “The Night Hag”…just hearing that name sent chills up my spine. PLus its creepy knowing that were not alone in this phenomena.
I haven’t seen an old woman with straw-like hair (YIKES), but about 10-12 years ago, I awoke flat on my back in the middle of the night, and my body felt like it was being pressed into the mattress. At the foot of my bed was this large, shadowy thing, and although I couldn’t make out any features, I remember thinking that whatever it was didn’t like me AT ALL. However, I also got the distinct impression that it knew it couldn’t hurt me. The whole incident lasted for several minutes before the pressure gradually lifted and the “presence,” whatever it was, disappeared. It hasn’t happened since, but I STILL think about it a couple of times a week before I go to bed.
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