"Maybe we can never know the ultimate truth.” Right. Because we are limited. And we never can grasp an eternal being. But that do not mean that we cannot comprehend the existence of that eternal being.Well, there are obstacles even in atheism. The one I wrest with these days is the origins of the fundamental laws of nature. While science has by and large discarded any consideration of metaphysics (and not without good reason, Hume’s rather grim view of metaphysics is one I share, a lot of words, verbiage and specialized language designed, it seems, to say nothing at all).
Atheism for me has been more about the problems I have even figuring out where God is supposed to fit in. I tend towards the notion that the Universe is finite in time, but that there is no T0, the closer you go back to the starting point, the steeper the curve. You can get close but never quite get to where it all began (the analogy would be like trying to accelerate to the speed of light, you can, with lots and lots of energy, get very close to c , but it would require an infinite amount of energy to actually accelerate to c ). In such a scenario, where is there room for any creative event?
This is why my atheism is of the weakest variety. I keep feeling that if the right argument came along, if the right set of logical steps were put before me, then I might become some sort of theist, deist or pantheist. But at every turn, I end up seeing the same paradox, the same “intellectual singularity”. At least science has an inherent honesty which amounts to “Maybe we can never know the ultimate truth.”
The universe is not infinite but for us it is.
33- O company of jinn and mankind, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You will not pass except by authority [from Allah]. (Qur’an: Ar-Rahman 55)
Is there an end for smallness? No. dx can be infinite! But we know the bound is there somewhere.
There are always some obscure points in faith. If we assimilate the faith as a castle so there are hundreds open gates to get in. But we look at it from a distance so some doors look closed. If we stare on that closed doors so we will thought that we cannot get into that castle. But there are many open doors and we can go through them very easily.