Let’s try still again. My examples were very relevant as I explained in post # 81.Addendum to first:
Non sequitur. Your examples are irrelevant and immaterial to the (RCC’s) dilemma.
The statement of the dilemma concerns God’s truth that exists in Scripture. It has nothing to say about “truth” that does not exist in Scripture.
Therefore, your examples are irrelevant.
I agree in relativistic truth “versions of truth” may coexist as absolute truth is never known.
Not so with God’s absolute truth, its either His way or the broad way that leads off into destruction.
The dilemma is concerned only about revealed truth and if a Teaching Authority’s pronouncements agree or disagree with such.
It has nothing to do with things or concepts not mentioned in scripture.
Now you go back to “God’s truth that exists in Scripture.” But what about the “Spirit” of the text and a proper understanding, both of which you added earlier? “It has nothing to say about ‘truth’ that does not exist in Scripture”? Then Scripture is incomplete because there is other “truth.” Worse still, you already pronounced “Scripture” in reference to cloning in post # 53. And you said in that post: “All teaching either agrees or disagrees with Scripture…even in the cloning and Trinity examples you [meaning “David”] cite.” So have you now retreated to saying only that “God’s truth” is in Scripture? Certainly not all God’s truth is in the text as God’s truth exists outside the text (“graphe”) too: in nature (Romans 1 and 2), in Jesus (John 14:6), the Holy Spirit (John 15:26), and elsewhere. Yes they are mentioned in Scripture but they are not “graphe” (a Use/mention fallacy is lurking here).
Did the Holy Spirit finish leading us into “all truth” (John 16:13). If so, give chapter and verse. If not, there is still truth out there. By the way, that verse said “all truth” not “all of the special kind of truth we call God’s truth.” Why was this necessary, in any case, if you are right that “The OT can make wise unto salvation.” If it can, we don’t need the NT; if it can’t, then the OT is not complete.
Where did you get the “relavitistic truth” stuff? By the way “God’s absolute truth” means one thing “as God knows it” but quite another when we talk about “as humans know it.” It matters.
In any case, you have now retreated from (#53) “all teaching either agrees or disagrees with Scripture” to “all teaching about God’s truth…”. Need I mention that you haven’t said what “God’s truth” is supposed to be–what are the limits of the term? How do you know? Is cloning now out? Then where does a Christian go? If cloning is still in, even though they text doesn’t mention cloning, then why this new term? How do we know what “God’s truth” is when it goes outside the text? We are back to “Who says?” If it doesn’t go outside the text, then there is a lot of things we can’t talk about anymore. Again, who is to say?
Again, since you seem to forget. It is your argument that is incoherent and illogical and not your conclusion. You need a better formulated argument.