The Overpopulation Question

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Do we know why we have or have not believed in overpopulation

I never believed in overpopulation- Why

I still believe in overpopulation- Why

I believed in overpopulation but have changed my mind- Why

I don’t know if I believe in overpopulation- Why
there is no over population problem, there is an anti life problem though
There is no such beast as Overpopulation. The Earth can support many more people than it does now. The issue is more efficient use of food transportation. There’s actually more than enough food produced to feed everyone on Earth…its just too expensive & time critical (food spoils) to feed everyone. As for elbow room…there’s plenty of living space on this planet…
Liberal scare tactic that is used to advocate abortion, euthinasia, contraception and other like minded moral falicys…
No, I don’t believe in an over population problem. It’s just another excuse the pro-choice camp tries to use.
Overpopulation is currently a myth and will continue to be. If Governments would simply support their citizens instead of their own power structures the world would be much better off. Many countries are below replacement level births and have aging populations that will cause financial problems. Face it, we’re aborting a big percentage of our next generations.

The UN is even beginning to mention it…

They are finally wakeing up to the fact that they have been swindled by those pro-choicers…
WIth European countries decreasing and to some extent U.S. too, I don’t see an overpopulation problem anytime soon.

I DO see an Underpopulation solution for those who do believe in abortion, gay rights, and the such, because if they can’t ‘recruite’ othere, they themselves are NOT repopulating the planet and thus will exstinct themselves out of existance.

In the meantime, the ‘family friendly’, pro-life stance members, like us, should gain in size proportionally.
…they themselves are NOT repopulating the planet and thus will exstinct themselves out of existance.

In the meantime, the ‘family friendly’, pro-life stance members, like us, should gain in size proportionally.
This is an excellent point! I never thought of it that way.👍
Just another pro-choice myth. There is not over population problem…
There was some pseudo-scientist who wrote a best seller called “The Population Bomb” and he used to appear on the Tonight Show all the time back in the 1970s. People thought he was a friggin genius! But later his work was entirely discredited. Typical alarmist, anti-life BS I grew up believing.

Belated note to self: not having your own children does NOT alleviate overcrowding in Bangladesh… 😦
I found this on a website
I checked at where I found the world population to be approximately 6,276,000,000. I then checked and found the area of Texas as 268,601 square miles. One square mile is 640 acres and hence the area of Texas is 268,601x640=171,904,640 acres. Thus if you fit the entire population of the world into Texas each person would have
171,904,640/6,276,000,000 = 0.027 acres
Someone once told me that if there were too many humans we we would suck up all the oxygen intended for the animals.:eek:

Oh boy. I almost believed her. What a public school education can do!!! :eek:
There is a problem in many Third World countries. It is often mistaken for an overpopulation problem; too many people not enough resources to support them. People are starving in many parts of the world. It really does look like overpopulation.

The nature of the problem is that resources (of which there really are more than enough) are not being distributed in a fair and equitable manner by corrupt governments. This is a huge problem and it must be fixed!

But don’t buy into the lie that the solution to this problem will be “sex education” (i.e., semi-forced contraception) or access to abortion. You don’t fix a problem of oppression by eliminating the oppressed population! That would be like fixing society’s spousal abuse problem by exterminating all abused spouses.
Do we know why we have or have not believed in overpopulation

I never believed in overpopulation- Why

I still believe in overpopulation- Why

I believed in overpopulation but have changed my mind- Why

I don’t know if I believe in overpopulation- Why
I do not believe there is an overpopulation problem. I believe that God knows what he is doing and that we have nothing to worry about because he obviously has a reason for everyone being on this earth.
There is a problem in many Third World countries. It is often mistaken for an overpopulation problem; too many people not enough resources to support them. People are starving in many parts of the world. It really does look like overpopulation.

The nature of the problem is that resources (of which there really are more than enough) are not being distributed in a fair and equitable manner by corrupt governments. This is a huge problem and it must be fixed!

But don’t buy into the lie that the solution to this problem will be “sex education” (i.e., semi-forced contraception) or access to abortion. You don’t fix a problem of oppression by eliminating the oppressed population! That would be like fixing society’s spousal abuse problem by exterminating all abused spouses.
Great great post!!
I love this topic when the liberals bring it up.

I say that I heartily agree with them; that they in particular need to stop breeding so that this problem can be addressed.

Once they’ve had their double-take, I then nail them with the “You can’t have it both ways” argument.

By all means, support homosexual marriage, Darwinism, birth control and ZPG. If we play by your rules (Darwin), we will win, because We (the non-Darwinists) are successfully propagating ourselves. You (Darwinists) are proceeding to select yourselves out of existence.

If you play by our rules, then you have to admit that all you purport to follow is a sham and a lie, and we win again.

Speaking somewhat partially to the poll, my feeling that if there is an overpopulation issue, it will not be addressed by any efforts we make as humans. I believe that God, through His creation in some fashion, will address it when (if) it occurs.
There is a DE-population problem, especially in Europe, which has a birth rate below replacement level. At risk of depopulating itself out of existence, it must now depend on immigration–in particular Muslim immigrants–to sustain its economy.

Keep in mind that programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and their analogs in Europe are based on one generation of workers essentially supporting an older, retired generation. When population rates decline, the system becomes unsustainable.
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