The "Passion" doomed again

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<< >> – a commentary from MSNBC.

How very obvious that the Hollywood commentary and secular set folks are so full of themselves that they are really unable/unwilling to listen to what this movie is about—you know, don’t rock the boat of what we are about!
felra said:
>> – a commentary from MSNBC.

How very obvious that the Hollywood commentary and secular set folks are so full of themselves that they are really unable/unwilling to listen to what this movie is about—you know, don’t rock the boat of what we are about!

MSNBC’s Scarborough Country had Pat Buchanan, Bill Donohue, a rabbi and several other people on last night and it turned into a real slug fest. Donohue didn’t pull any punches.
felra said:
>> – a commentary from MSNBC.

How very obvious that the Hollywood commentary and secular set folks are so full of themselves that they are really unable/unwilling to listen to what this movie is about—you know, don’t rock the boat of what we are about!

All the other studios are actively pushing their movies for Oscars. Gibson has chosen not to do this. It’s his movie. He can do whatever he wants.
Thankfully, Mr. Gibson is being an imitator of St. Paul (1 Thess 1:6) and not the Hollywood crowd.
But as we were judged worthy by God to be entrusted with the gospel, that is how we speak, not as trying to please human beings,but rather God, who judges our hearts. 1 Thess 2:4
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