My my …
This is interesting.
Sola means only.
Now we are adding the word infallible.
Really, now. Doesn’t that mean that same thing. By saying that the Bible is the only infallible source of authority you are just subscribing to definition of Sola Scriptura.
The Bible being the sole infallible authority is a doctrine that can not stand scrutiny.
If the Bible was the sole infallible authority then what does that make the Church that declared that these writing are infallible and should be the ones included in the New Testament?
If the Bible was the sole infallible authority what did the early Christians use for 400 years before the present Bible was agreed upon?
This is a topic that the Protestants would do well not to dwell upon. It is a foundation made of sand.
But they can not move forward. The alternative is to accept Church Authority. Something they have not come to grips for the last 500 years.
This is interesting.
Sola means only.
Now we are adding the word infallible.
Really, now. Doesn’t that mean that same thing. By saying that the Bible is the only infallible source of authority you are just subscribing to definition of Sola Scriptura.
The Bible being the sole infallible authority is a doctrine that can not stand scrutiny.
If the Bible was the sole infallible authority then what does that make the Church that declared that these writing are infallible and should be the ones included in the New Testament?
If the Bible was the sole infallible authority what did the early Christians use for 400 years before the present Bible was agreed upon?
This is a topic that the Protestants would do well not to dwell upon. It is a foundation made of sand.
But they can not move forward. The alternative is to accept Church Authority. Something they have not come to grips for the last 500 years.