You are asking the wrong question. The question in YOUR mind should be, “where is all the proof of this papacy?” beyond one verse. As a Christian and adherent of the Bible, I search and search the Scriptures till I feel I’ve exhausted all the possibilities. You haven’t done that. Again, you also must use logic and the reasoning capabilities that God gave you. Reasoning tells me that there MUST be more verses to support any doctrine beyond one, especially in such an important doctrine. When one verse seems to say one thing and many more say something different then I must go back to the one to make sure I got it right. How many times should I repeat this basic logic and reasoning?As I said before, How many times does God have to say something for it to come into existance. It obviously was understood by those who heard it, so clearly that no other word were needed. And since no one objected to it, the church never saw the need to defend it.
We are talking about the “true church” again? I just went over this in a previous post. I hate repeating myself. I think you hit on something here, “where did Luther get his Christianity?” is what you said above. Luther got his faith from believing in Jesus Christ, not from having a religion. He rebelled against wrong doctrines and immoral people. I suppose this is where our faith’s diverge. I don’t believe in following the Christian religion. I believe in following Jesus Christ, the founder of the religion. See what I mean? I worship the founder, not the object.Curiously I never here Protestants question, if the Catholic Church which was the only Church around at Luthers time, was not the True Church, then where did Luther get his Christianity.
Having sinners in the church was never enough to remove its authority.He was too egotistical to wait for reform from within, In Gods time not his. The devil knows that a divided church is an easier exploited church, and he used Luther to seperate from Christs church.
If you read the book of Acts of the Apostles, you will find evidence for an invisible loose association of believers. It’s there. The first 13 chapters will give you plenty of information. The early church had no formalities. It had the apostles teaching (which we have contained in the Bible. The apostles started at Jerusalem and went out and preached the gospel. Along the way, they started churches. “Churches” are referred to as being in people’s houses (Priscilla and Aquila). Just read it.What is the evidence for an invisible loose association of believers and not the one flock Christ talked about living with one gospel and one church. Christ said he would pray that we would be one.
That is not a moral teaching. I mean something like abortion, homosexuality, stuff like that. Do you disagree with any teachings like that.
I disagree that certain sexual sins are mortal sins as the church teaches. But, that is outside of this topic.