" Whoever listens to you listens to Me. Whoever rejects you rejects Me. And whoever rejects Me rejects the One who sent Me." --Luke 10:16
Within the Catholic Church, there are certain individuals–in fact, a large number of them–who knowingly reject certain teachings of the Church. Even though they reject some teachings, they insist on staying in the Church for whatever reason; perhaps they still believe in the Eucharist, or in the power of the Sacraments. However, this same Church which declares that it has power from God through the ministration of these same Sacraments, also declares that it has authority to pronounce matters of faith and morals which the dissenters insist are erroneous.
On the face of it, this is inconsistent. How can the Church be wrong about one area of faith and morals, and be right about another? Thus, a dissenter implicitly sets a standard over that of the Church. Let’s examine one case, that of the Immaculate Conception, to see the implications of dissent.
The Immaculate Conception is a dogma which was declared ex cathedra by Pope Pius IX, exercising papal infallibility as defined by the First Vatican Council. Let’s say that the dissenter rejects this dogma. It would necessitate that papal infallibility would also be rejected. Moreover, Vatican I would necessarily have to be rejected as well, since it declared papal infallibility. So, the dissenter would be in terms of belief an Old Catholic. Unfortunately, it doesn’t not end here.
Let’s say that the Council was wrong. That would entail that not all Councils are infallible, which means that either some are fallible, and some are infallible, or that all Councils are fallible. If we take the former, more conservative position, then we need some sort of standard by which to discern a “good” from a “bad” Council. In the more radical position, we need a standard by which to separate the bad from the good doctrines.
The former position is similar to the Orthodox; they generally accept the first seven Councils, because they were before the Great Schism of 1054. The latter position is Protestant, supposing that the Scriptures make up that hypothetical standard. Whatever the position, it denies that the Catholic Church has the infallible power to teach faith and morals to the faithful, a power which is supposed to have been granted by Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
So, in the case of denying this one dogma of the Immaculate Conception, the dissenter becomes at best, an Old Catholic, but, if he is consistent, he would be for all practical purposes an Orthodox or Protestant. Whatever he would become, it would most definitely not be Catholic.
In conclusion, all of us must be careful to heed the words of St. Thomas Aquinas: “Neither living nor lifeless faith remains in a heretic who disbelieves one article of faith.”
God bless,
The Augustinian
Within the Catholic Church, there are certain individuals–in fact, a large number of them–who knowingly reject certain teachings of the Church. Even though they reject some teachings, they insist on staying in the Church for whatever reason; perhaps they still believe in the Eucharist, or in the power of the Sacraments. However, this same Church which declares that it has power from God through the ministration of these same Sacraments, also declares that it has authority to pronounce matters of faith and morals which the dissenters insist are erroneous.
On the face of it, this is inconsistent. How can the Church be wrong about one area of faith and morals, and be right about another? Thus, a dissenter implicitly sets a standard over that of the Church. Let’s examine one case, that of the Immaculate Conception, to see the implications of dissent.
The Immaculate Conception is a dogma which was declared ex cathedra by Pope Pius IX, exercising papal infallibility as defined by the First Vatican Council. Let’s say that the dissenter rejects this dogma. It would necessitate that papal infallibility would also be rejected. Moreover, Vatican I would necessarily have to be rejected as well, since it declared papal infallibility. So, the dissenter would be in terms of belief an Old Catholic. Unfortunately, it doesn’t not end here.
Let’s say that the Council was wrong. That would entail that not all Councils are infallible, which means that either some are fallible, and some are infallible, or that all Councils are fallible. If we take the former, more conservative position, then we need some sort of standard by which to discern a “good” from a “bad” Council. In the more radical position, we need a standard by which to separate the bad from the good doctrines.
The former position is similar to the Orthodox; they generally accept the first seven Councils, because they were before the Great Schism of 1054. The latter position is Protestant, supposing that the Scriptures make up that hypothetical standard. Whatever the position, it denies that the Catholic Church has the infallible power to teach faith and morals to the faithful, a power which is supposed to have been granted by Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
So, in the case of denying this one dogma of the Immaculate Conception, the dissenter becomes at best, an Old Catholic, but, if he is consistent, he would be for all practical purposes an Orthodox or Protestant. Whatever he would become, it would most definitely not be Catholic.
In conclusion, all of us must be careful to heed the words of St. Thomas Aquinas: “Neither living nor lifeless faith remains in a heretic who disbelieves one article of faith.”
God bless,
The Augustinian