Dear fix,Alan,
You know that the term cafeteria Catholic refers to those who reject the faith and only accept some of Christ’s teachings. Practicing one devotion as to opposed to another is not a cafeteria.
Perhaps you are right, but I don’t know where you would get proof. I looked in one secular dictionary and in the Catholic Encyclopedia and didn’t see it defined. Does the Church teach, infallibly or not, that your definition of cafeteria Catholic is what you say it is, or is it only your opinion?
I admit that on these forums, I have seen the term “cafeteria Catholic” applied most often to those who do not believe all the Church teaches. In fact, I may have used it that way myself. But then again, for me to assume that because it looks to me to be the most popular belief it must be true, then we have to rethink a lot of things. A recently published survey in Catholic Digest showed that 52% of Catholics call themselves “pro-choice,” and if restricted to cases of rape or incest, over 80% think abortion is not immoral. If you suggest that the term “cafeteria Catholic” has one absolute meaning assigned to it by its popular usage, you are setting an interesting precedent of discovering truth by democratic process. By that same process, would you not also have to conclude that “pro-choice” attitudes and the morality of abortion in the case of rape or incest are similarly valid?
I’m not disagreeing with you about the popular and accepted usage of the term “cafeteria Catholic.” I’m just trying to get you to think a little more before you tell me what “I know.” I was offering a positive message to a Church newcomer, but I suspect your desire to refute anything I say that disagrees with you is so great that you couldn’t accept it. Therefore, I offer you this logical challenge to find out if you can see your style of arguing the way I see it. BTW, I already have a way to refute the argument I made above, but I’ll leave it as an exercise for the student to come up with one.