The Persistent Myth of Biden’s ‘Moderation’ | The American Spectator | USA

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Biden has a long history of being anti abortion. Who knows if he may with the help of God’s grace claw back a few legal steps from partial birth abortions and born alive issues, that are to any reasonable person, inhumane. Here’s hoping

But his past opposition to most federal funding for abortion services is more striking than previously recognized, according to an NBC News review of his Senate voting record, and includes repeated examples of Biden rejecting exceptions for victims of rape and incest that were supported by many members of his party at the time.

As a U.S. senator from Delaware, Biden voted against a 1977 compromise that allowed Medicaid to fund abortions that included exceptions for victims of rape and incest in addition to concerns for the life of the mother. While the rape and incest exceptions passed in that case, Biden voted in 1981 to again remove them, in what was the most far-reaching ban on federal funds ever enacted by Congress.

Biden also voted several times, including in 1983, to prohibit federal workers from using health insurance on abortion services, with the only exception being to save the life of the mother.

A devout Roman Catholic, Biden says he personally opposes abortion and has spoken openly about his internal struggles with the issue.

… Yet his presidential campaign confirmed to NBC News that Biden still supports the Hyde Amendment, a four-decade-old ban on using federal funds for abortion services, except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the woman.

Biden’s Senate record doesn’t just contrast with his current peers.

In that 1981 vote, he was one of just two Democratic senators from the Northeast, the other being George Mitchell of Maine, to vote to end federal funding for abortion for victims of rape and incest. Fellow Catholics Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts and Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York as well as Democrats from other blue-leaning Northeastern states supported the exceptions. Biden voted in line with conservative Republicans like Jesse Helms of North Carolina and Democrats from red states like Robert Byrd of West Virginia.

Unlike some other neighboring states, Delaware had a Republican voting history in the 1980s. It voted for Ronald Reagan twice, and the state’s governor until 1985, Pete du Pont, and other senator at the time, William Roth, were also Republican. Like Biden, Roth opposed the exceptions.

Biden’s history also puts him at odds with his party’s official platform. During the 2016 campaign, the party’s first female presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, put an end to the Hyde Amendment in the platform.

Perhaps against all odds, Biden may bring the Democrats closer to an unconditional pro life place. We’ll have to wait and see.
FWIW, I haven’t voted on Election Day since 2000 but I must say Biden is far more preferable than Clinton. I still have those tapes of the Clarence Thomas hearings which left the Anita Hill supporters up in arms as Biden decided to end the attacks against Thomas.
To use an analogy, you are lauding him for spritzing some water on the forest fire he helped start.
Hill’s allegations were a potential criminal matter (recency).
So the FBI investigated Hill’s claims — though they found her reluctant to cooperate — and failed to uncover any evidence to substantiate the accusations. After the hearings, agents sent affidavits to the Senate accusing Hill of misleading them and the public, skipping portions of her story and offering testimony that contradicted what she had told law-enforcement officials.
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Hill wasn’t the only witness. That was my point.

I have three six-hr tapes of the hearings.
Hill wasn’t the only witness. That was my point.

I have three six-hr tapes of the hearings.
LOL, the N.O.W. even publicly said they were going to ‘BORK’ him if he was nominated.

The only problematic part of his hearings was how they handled Hill’s allegations. As I noted the FBI had real issues with her claims.

Maybe we can now impeach Biden for doing what Trump only talked about, to one of his staffers private parts. At least C-SPAN will cover the hearings.

EDIT: I do read the FBI investigation of the Hill allegations wasn’t of highest quality.

The facts still show Thomas was ‘BORKED’ because he held the wrong views.
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He wasn’t “BORKED” at all. It took11 Democrats to confirm him, including Dixon of Illinois who himself was primaried out next Election.

Besides a vote against Thomas wasn’t necessarily a pro-abortion vote. It had been 26 years that a Democratic President hadn’t had a chance to appoint a single nominee for the Supreme Court.
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Biden may bring the Democrats closer to an unconditional pro life place

Joe Biden’s record on abortion:
  • Voted NO on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion. (Mar 2008)
  • Voted NO on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. (Jul 2006)
  • Voted NO on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime. (Mar 2004)
  • Voted NO on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions. (Jun 2000)
  • Voted NO on banning human cloning. (Feb 1998)
  • selected the most liberal extremist Senator according to govtrackinsider, Kamala Harris, as his running mate. Harris has a 0% pro-life voting record, according to National Right To Life Committee
  • supports the current policy of abortion on demand
  • voted for the Harkin Amendment to endorse Roe v. Wade, permits abortion for any reason.
  • supports using tax dollars to pay for abortion, says he will overturn the Hyde Amendment
  • voted for taxpayer funding of overseas pro-abortion organizations
  • Biden’s voting record on pro-life issues was almost zero from 2001 to 2008, according to the National Right to Life Committee.
  • stated that he will eliminate the conscience protection exemption from the Little Sisters of the Poor
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