You are right. It’s really just plain old terrorism.I can’t think of anything more repugnant, totalitarian, and evil than forced conversion. There is no such thing as the “philosophy of forced conversion”. Forced conversion is not a philosophy, it is an aggressive, evil act with no mitigating circumstances whatsoever. It is foul and fascist. It makes no ethical sense whatsoever, and is against freedoms and civil rights, and degrades humans.
It has no theological justification whatsoever, and those who subscribe to it do their faith a great disservice. Any religious body that took on this “cause” I would oppose with every fiber of my being, including the use of military force.
Is anyone so insecure in their faith to believe that religion must be so bad as to be forced on others? Where are such people’s humanity, or respect for humans and their souls and dignity? I am throughly disgusted that such a subject is being even discussed.