Hello, Xuan:
Your assertion that physical things cannot bring physical things into existence is true in the universe, but there’s a whole lot more to it than that.
Could you expand on this a bit?
The Law of Conservation of Energy/Matter states that energy/matter cannot be created or destroyed, but can change form. The total quantity of matter and energy available in the universe is a fixed amount and never any more or less.
OK. But, this assumes that everyone is OK with ours being a “closed” universe. There are numerous hypotheses, out there, that want to say that this might not be a closed system. It also assumes that there is/was no
friction. If there are 10^500 universes out there, there may be the possibility of a collision, and, friction, if they are in motion like the stuff in our universe.
Note that it doesn’t specify that only “physical” things are unable to create more matter/energy. It says categorically that they cannot be created, (by anything).
(See above.) If there is a
supraphysical, or non-physical, cause of our universe, one would have to presume that said cause would be capable of anything, right?
It also specifies that it is a law of the universe. It didn’t exist before the universe did. It doesn’t apply outside the universe or before the universe existed. We have no idea what kind of physical or semi-physical or non-physical things there were before the universe. And we have no idea what the rules of the game were, like what could or could not bring something else into existence.
Actually, there are more and more hypotheses, and, theories, around that it’s hard to know anything for certain about this stuff. For example, the major
theory (almost a Law!) is that the
singularity consisted of hyper-compressed energy that exhibited, within it, quantum fluctuations. I contend that quantum fluctuations might involve time.
Another theory is that our universe exists in a system of multiverses and that there may be some universe-creative exigency, in that system.
Any speculation about what could or could not have happened before the existence of the universe is just that… speculation. We have nothing whatsoever to substantiate your assertion about what could or could not bring something into existence before the universe existed.
True. Except for 4,500 years of 500 - 700 separate, prophetic events - all of which point to Jesus Christ, his life events, death, resurrection and an ensuing Church, etc., etc.
If your assertion is that physical things could not have created physical things before the existence of the universe, then you’ve got to substantiate it, and not with any of the laws of the universe. They don’t apply
It’s amazing to me that we would accept the postulations of multiple and diverse non-scientific postulates so that we can be sure not to let even the slightest god in the door.