The pill as abortifacient

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In another thread this came up. It was hijacking the thread but I thought it was important because I found the person who posted the following was unaware of what so called contraceptions do.
Your statement concerning contraceptives kills babies suggested that all contraceptives kills babies. This is baloney and inaccurate!!! Yes, I admit some do, most of the more common ones do not.
Sadly this poster is confused because all so called contraceptives are abortifacients as I understand it says on the packaging.

I am always surprised by the number of people who do not know that the BCP kills babies. My husband and I lead the pre-cana testing at our parish, and as part of the discussion, we introduce NFP. I always mention this as part of my talk, and invariably, a few of our fellow Catholics are outraged that I would even say such a thing.
In another thread this came up. It was hijacking the thread but I thought it was important because I found the person who posted the following was unaware of what so called contraceptions do.

Sadly this poster is confused because all so called contraceptives are abortifacients as I understand it says on the packaging.

Thank you for posting this adrift. I was planning on doing it myself as I was so disturbed that this poster did not seem to understand the abortifacient nature of birth control pills. I’ll be looking forward to reading the discussion here.
Your statement concerning contraceptives kills babies suggested that all contraceptives kills babies. This is baloney and inaccurate!!! Yes, I admit some do, most of the more common ones do not.
Was the poster referring to all contracepives? If he or is referring to all methods, he or she is correct. As for all hormonal and IUD/IUS contraceptives, then you are correct that these methods all hormonal are abortifacients.

The problem is the term used. Contraceptives includes all methods uncluding condoms which is not an abortafacient. I always suggest people use the correct wording. I am always seeing ABC used instead or oral contraceptives or the patch etc. ABC includes condoms and spermacides. Two methods not abortifacient but not allowed by the church for planning pregnancy.
Was the poster referring to all contracepives? If he or is referring to all methods, he or she is correct. As for all hormonal and IUD/IUS contraceptives, then you are correct that these methods all hormonal are abortifacients.

Thank you!! I couldn’t seem to get that across to hardly anybody. Most of the more common contraceptives do not cause abortions (Condoms, spermicides, sponge, diaphragm); rather they stop the egg and sperm from coming in contact with each other (or kill the sperm). The original “Pill”'s main purpose was to stop ovulation, but it’s not foolproof, if the egg happens to get produced and is fertilized, then yes it may get expelled. Morning after pills and other devices/drugs do exist and are designed to expell the fetus.

As I posted earlier on the other thread, I admitted I was in error in some of my earlier posts. However, all contraceptives do not equal killing the fetus. This is what the original starter of this conversation was hinting at. I corrected him, but went a little to far with my own claims.

Yes, I’m fully aware the Church opposes all contraception.
Sadly this poster is confused because all so called contraceptives are abortifacients as I understand it says on the packaging.
That is incorrect. See my earlier post.
I know this isn’t from a Catholic website but it’s the technical definition of birth control pills from a science point of view.

What are Birth Control Pills?

The Pill is the most popular type of birth control. There are many different brands of The Pill and they come in packs of 21 or 28 pills. One pill is taken every day. The first 21 pills have a combination of synthetic estrogen and progesterone hormones. The Pill stops ovulation, preventing the ovaries from releasing eggs. The Pill also thickens cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to enter the uterus. The hormones in the Pill prevent fertilization. The last 7 pills of a 28-day pack have no hormones and are called spacer pills. The Pill is 92-99.7% effective as birth control. It does not protect against reproductive tract infections, including HIV/AIDS.
I know this isn’t from a Catholic website but it’s the technical definition of birth control pills from a science point of view.

What are Birth Control Pills?

The Pill is the most popular type of birth control. There are many different brands of The Pill and they come in packs of 21 or 28 pills. One pill is taken every day. The first 21 pills have a combination of synthetic estrogen and progesterone hormones. The Pill stops ovulation, preventing the ovaries from releasing eggs. The Pill also thickens cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to enter the uterus. The hormones in the Pill prevent fertilization. The last 7 pills of a 28-day pack have no hormones and are called spacer pills. The Pill is 92-99.7% effective as birth control. It does not protect against reproductive tract infections, including HIV/AIDS.
Wow, they admit 92%? That’s not very reliable IMO.

This program is just loaded with information which is being hidden from the public.

Karen Malec - The Abortion/Breast Cancer Link on “Catholic Answers” on 1-20-06.…th=01&year=2006

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Contraception/Breast Cancer Link…aceptives.h tm

**Abortion/Breast Cancer Link Hosted by Raymond Arroyo With Karen Malec


Susan B. Komen Foundation, Planned Parenthood & Your Grocer’s Plastic Bags…

Pink, Pink Everywhere But Can Women Handle the Truth?

Pro-Lifers Attacked, Spit Upon As They Warn About ABC Link

**Many do not know that some forms of Birth Control can abort. As the American Life League points out many contraceptives are abortifacient in nature. For Example, let’s look at the Birth Control Pill –

The birth control pill can work in one of three ways:

  1. *]It can prevent ovulation (releasing an egg from the ovary)
    *]It can cause the mucus in the cervix to change so that if sperm reach the cervix, they are not allowed to enter, and
    *]It can irritate the lining of the uterus so that if the first two actions fail, and the woman does become pregnant, the tiny baby boy or girl will die before he or she can actually attach to the lining of the uterus.

    In other words, if the third action occurs, the woman’s body rejects the tiny baby and he or she will die. This is called a chemical abortion.

    Abortion is an act of direct killing that takes the life of a tiny human being-a life that begins at fertilization.


    Why is it that a large percentage of Birth Control Users do not know many contraceptives are abortifacient in nature?

    For those Birth Control Users who do know many contraceptives are abortifacient in nature – Why do they continue to use Birth Control? Why do most of these people state they are AGAINST EUTHANASIA but through their ACTIONS they support EUTHANASIA?

    Similar Thread

    Do BIRTH CONTROL USERS Know They Are Accepting EUTHANASIA by Their ACTIONS??
Thank you!! I couldn’t seem to get that across to hardly anybody. Most of the more common contraceptives do not cause abortions (Condoms, spermicides, sponge, diaphragm); rather they stop the egg and sperm from coming in contact with each other (or kill the sperm). The original “Pill”'s main purpose was to stop ovulation, but it’s not foolproof, if the egg happens to get produced and is fertilized, then yes it may get expelled. Morning after pills and other devices/drugs do exist and are designed to expell the fetus. .
You are welcome! From what I’ve read, the original pill with the higher amount of estrogen was more effective in preventing ovulation. I disagree that ECPs (emergency contraception) are designed to expel an embyo but it is possible since they contain contain estrogen and progestin, like combination OCs. Also, when these are taken in the cycle would bre important in how they would work to prevent a pregnancy.
As for all hormonal and IUD/IUS contraceptives, then you are correct that these methods all hormonal are abortifacients.
Oh dear, that is poorly written. But, I am certain ya’ll know that I meant all hormonal and IUD/IUS contraceptives are abortifactients.
Wow, they admit 92%? That’s not very reliable IMO.
That is probably the typical use effectiveness, which is reported as 95% effetive in other sources.

The Pill stops ovulation, preventing the ovaries from releasing eggs. The Pill also thickens cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to enter the uterus. The hormones in the Pill prevent fertilization.

Fails to mention the changes in the lining of the uterus, which is on the package insert.

Thank you!! I couldn’t seem to get that across to hardly anybody. Most of the more common contraceptives do not cause abortions (Condoms, spermicides, sponge, diaphragm); rather they stop the egg and sperm from coming in contact with each other (or kill the sperm). The original “Pill”'s main purpose was to stop ovulation, but it’s not foolproof, if the egg happens to get produced and is fertilized, then yes it may get expelled. Morning after pills and other devices/drugs do exist and are designed to expell the fetus.

As I posted earlier on the other thread, I admitted I was in error in some of my earlier posts. However, all contraceptives do not equal killing the fetus. This is what the original starter of this conversation was hinting at. I corrected him, but went a little to far with my own claims.

Yes, I’m fully aware the Church opposes all contraception.
I am glad you clarified your statement. The problem came when you stated most of the common ones did not cause an abortion. . The most common one used is the pill so now you can see why I was concerned and thought your statements misleading. The statement that not all contraceptives cause abortion is one with which I can agree.
What are Birth Control Pills?

The Pill is the most popular type of birth control. There are many different brands of The Pill and they come in packs of 21 or 28 pills. One pill is taken every day. The first 21 pills have a combination of synthetic estrogen and progesterone hormones. The Pill stops ovulation, preventing the ovaries from releasing eggs. The Pill also thickens cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to enter the uterus. The hormones in the Pill prevent fertilization. The last 7 pills of a 28-day pack have no hormones and are called spacer pills. The Pill is 92-99.7% effective as birth control. It does not protect against reproductive tract infections, including HIV/AIDS.
Although I believe that the IUD is abortafacient, I just haven’t seen enough evidence that the pill is abortafacient. I believe that the quote I’m showing here is really how it works. The abortafacient part has only about a 5% chance of happening. People on these threads seem to be almost hysterical about what they think is the fact that the pill is always an abortafacient. Where is the scientific evidence? Pointing to someone’s Web Site does NOT constitute scientific evidence. There are all sorts of people who can put anything they want on the Internet, whether it is fact or fiction.

The fact is that for women NOT on the pill, a very large number of very early pregnancies don’t “take.” This is a fact that you can read in any medical book. So if a woman happened to be on the pill, and she happened to fall into the 5% of cases where the sperm actually met up with the egg, why would we expect 100% of these pregnancies to “take” when a huge number of these are lost by women who are not on the pill? I have also read that “breakthrough” ovulation happens a lot more when women forget their pills.

I’m not pushing the birth control pill at all because I do realize that it has undesirable side effects. However, I do believe that we should call it what it is - a birth control pill, not an abortion pill. I don’t think that it is very charitable to imagine that women on the pill are terrible sinners who abort babies all of the time.
If you are talking about me, I believe that life begins at conception.
(Not trying to critique your statement). The problem with pro-“choice” (pro-murder) is that they believe that life doesn’t begin at conception. For the life of me I will never understand how someone can justify the *possible *(which inevitably it is, since God alone knows for certain when life begins!) murder of a human being based on what they believe. It’s like this: 2 people in a car are approaching a paper bag in the road. One says “Well, it *could *be full of trash”. The other says “Well, there could be something living inside of it” (definately *not *out of the question these days!). Since they don’t know for sure, the driver steers the car aside to avoid running it over. (No, I don’t stop my car for bags in the road, but I cringe at the thought!..) I know this is a poor analogy, but, the point is (and I’m sure you’ve considered this - I’m just venting my outrage): If no one can say for sure exactly when live begins, THEN HOW IN THE WORLD IS IT ACCEPTABLE TO ASSUME THAT IT ISN’T A LIVING, HUMAN BEING? (Laying aside the argument that it is, of course, a human being b/c of it’s potential [if not destroyed] to grow into…not an animal…not an inanimate object…but a human being!) When someone is accused of a crime, do we just ASSUME that he is guilty??? We cannot decide someone’s fate based on assumptions.

Our society is filled with people who want to be God; to decide when life begins, when it ends… Watch “Gattaca”. We’re headed that way. I pray it doesn’t get that bad.

(end of rant)
I’m not pushing the birth control pill at all because I do realize that it has undesirable side effects. However, I do believe that we should call it what it is - a birth control pill, not an abortion pill. I don’t think that it is very charitable to imagine that women on the pill are terrible sinners who abort babies all of the time.
I tried the pill 5 years ago and it did say, clearly, in the insert, that one of the ways in which it prevents pregnancy is by making the environment nearly impossible for implantation of an ovum (not in that terminology) in the case that fertilization does occur. Of course, they don’t tell you what the statistics of that happening are, and I doubt they even know for certain.

No, I don’t believe women on the pill are terrible sinners who abort babies all the time, but they are either misinformed, or believe, as most pro-“choice” people do, that life does not begin at conception. I won’t speak for the myriads of other women who could care less.
Of course, they don’t tell you what the statistics of that happening are, and I doubt they even know for certain.
Ah ha. You hit on something here. The Pill hasn’t been absolutely proven to have an abortifacient effect. And while it is likely that it is an abortifacient, it isn’t entirely correct to say that the Pill causes abortion, only that it probably does.
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