The Pope is on the victims’ side-L'Osservatore Romano

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A “concrete plan” to “hold bishops to the highest standards of transparency and accountability”–The Vatican (L’Osservatore Romano)

An INQUISITION (or a proverbial “reverse inquisition”) is needed here according to the implicit message from the Vatican.

The perpetrators then need to be turned over to the civil authorities if lawlessness is found.

The Pope is on the victims’ side​

Aug. 17, 2018

“Victims should know that the Pope is on their side. Those who have suffered are his priority, and the Church wants to listen to them to root out this tragic horror that destroys the lives of the innocent”. . . .

. . . "There are two words that can express the feelings faced with these horrible crimes: shame and sorrow” . . . .

. . . The Cardinal explained that the USCCB Executive Committee has “established an outline of these necessary changes”, and indicated “three goals: an investigation into the questions surrounding Archbishop McCarrick; an opening of new and confidential channels for reporting complaints against bishops; and advocacy for more effective resolution of future complaints”. These objectives, Cardinal DiNardo continued, “will be pursued according to three criteria: proper independence, sufficient authority, and substantial leadership by laity”.

This concrete plan will be presented both to the US episcopate and to the Holy See. “The overarching goal in all of this”, he emphasized, “is stronger protections against predators in the Church and anyone who would conceal them, protections that will hold bishops to the highest standards of transparency and accountability”. . . .

A “concrete plan” to "hold bishops to the highest standards of transparency and accountability".

This is a step in the right direction coming from the Vatican. Especially in light of the Cardinal McCarrick scandal.

In 2002, our Bishops exempted themselves.

Hopefully those mistakes will not be repeated.

What is needed here is an Inquisition (some might call this a “Reverse Inquisition”)

And as Karl Keating has said (here), a removal of the Bishops (by the Pope) responsible and/or complicit or who were gullible enough to be fooled is in order.


Keating . . .
If intentionally, then we can say they were complicit in the moral crimes of the McCarricks and deserve to go.

If negligently, then we can say that, out of incompetence, they shouldn’t be permitted to exercise any level of authority higher than that of an assistant manager at a burger joint.

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What is needed here is an Inquisition (some might call this a “Reverse Inquisition”)

“Transparency” of course will mean voiding all confidentiality agreements signed by victims in the past who will be free to come forth and help root out the shenanigans.

Arrest records (not merely police records) should be made public concerning our Bishops too (which I think will HELP our Bishops when we see so few of them were arrested. And this will help with our confidence in our Bishops to see such clean slates).

Some sort of an Inquisition or Reverse Inquisition is going to be necessary here.


This inquiry will need to have
  • proper independence
  • sufficient authority
  • substantial leadership by laity

Jimmy Akin has implicitly pointed out an “inquisition” is not a swear word.

Nobody Expects the Mosaic Inquisition!​

Jimmy Akin

July 01, 1998

. . . . What almost nobody expects is for a Catholic to reply by pointing to the biblical “Mosaic Inquisition.”

Yes, it’s true. There was an “Inquisition” recorded in the Bible. In Deuteronomy 17, we read: "If there is found among you . . . a man or woman who . . . has gone and served other gods and worshiped them, or the sun or the moon or any of the host of heaven, . . . then you shall inquire diligently, and if it is true and certain that such an abominable thing has been done in Israel, then you shall bring forth to your gates that man or woman who has done this evil thing . . .

In the New Covenant era, we have the graces to rise above the need for “stoning” perpetrators.
But we are still called to inquire and root out purveyors of crime in ways consistent with the Gospel and the graces we receive from Christ’s work on Calvary.

An INQUISITION (or Reverse Inquisition) is needed here according to the implicit message from the Vatican.
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