The pope kissing the quran

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Little bits of truths mixed with lies. What a method of deception, sounds like it has worked well on you. I pray for lost Catholics because I was one of them. There is nothing “mystical” about Jesus, he is seated at the right hand of the Father according to Stephen. Acts 7:55 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, Friend the term Catholic was not even used until Ignatious about 110 CE. In Greek it looks like this (Katholicos).
Jesus is the Rock and not Peter.
Just because that is the first time you see it in writing does not mean that is the first time it is used. He uses the term Catholic like the people he is speaking to have already heard it used to name the church.

Peter is the Rock.
kagw de soi legw oti su ei petroV, kai epi tauth th petra oikodomhsw mou thn ekklhsian, kai pulai adou ou katiscusousin authV.
Jesus renamed Simon to be petros, whiich means rock. Jesus says you are petros and upon this petra I shall build my church. Petra and Petros both mean rock.

In Aramaic, which is the language Jesus spoke, it would read you are kepha and upon this kepha I shall build my church.

Christ renames him rock and then says he shall build his church on this rock.
i answered this in the other thread. he was showing respect for the beliefs of these peoples. great missionaries throughout history have been hugely criticised for their acceptance and love of the people with whom they share the love of God. matteo ricci is a great example. he was accused of endorsing ancestor worship among the chinese in the 16th century, because he knew that publicly denouncing the practice of ancestor veneration would make the gospel inaccessible to his listeners.

like the evangelist in athens, sometimes you have to speak of ‘the unknown god’ whom your listeners are ‘already worshiping’ in order to gain their trust and ear. not in a deceptive way, in a redeeming way. God redeems us, not only as individuals, but as cultures.

may God continue to use such men to bring our muslim, buddhist, atheist, and all of our other brothers home to His love and truth.
Ephesians 4:5-7
5.One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ
Friend when you say these words “hail Mary” while praying to Mary, this is a form of worship.
Ex you are WAY off base there

You know perfectly well that we are only quoting the angel from scripture! Was the Angel Gabriel worshipping Mary at that point?

You also know full well that NO Catholic EVER worships Mary. If you believe that then you have never really looked into the Marian teachings of the Church. Shame on ya! :tsktsk:

A form of worship indeed! Our prayers to Mary & the saints are based on that great cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 12. We ask for their prayers & help but NEVER offer them the worship that is due to God alone. The fact that the saints are more alive than in this life is easy to see in Jesus’ statement that God is the God of the living & not the dead.

You were thinking of becoming a priest?
You really desperately need to get a copy of The Catechism of the Catholic Church & sit down a read it all the way through, because you really & truly have no idea what you are talking about at all, at all. At least have the common sense to read what we actually believe before you attempt to “evangelize” us for cryin’ out loud. I can answer the things you say because I know both your doctrines & Catholic doctrine as well. I left the church many years ago & had to go through some really hard stuff before I came “home”, but I am more convinced than ever that Catholism is exactly what it claims to be…The one true church of Christ.

I used to be kinda mad at the Protestants for teaching me wrong, but now I just feel sorry for them & do my best to share with them in love…the way Christians are SUPPOSED to do. I love the Catholic Church…it’s like a huge beautiful diamond that I love exploring day by day. My prayer life has never been better & my life day to day is a real walk of faith. I know I’m going to Heaven if I continue to bring forth fruit worthy of repentance. I’m committed…I’ll never let go of my Lord and my God.

I love ya Ex… I really do, but ya gotta actually read CATHOLIC stuff to know what we really believe. Most of those Prot sources are not really accurate at all. Try those tracts & reports on this I’m really surprised that you haven’t already done that…then maybe we could really have a talk as opposed to these lame posts about stuff that someone else TOLD you that we believe. ignorance is NOT bliss…Ignorance is the basis for division & conflict.
C’mon…“play fair”…be honest & TALK to us…stop accusin’ us of stuff that someone else tells you about us. They’re wrong & it makes you look like an ignorant buffoon, which I’m dead sure you are not.

As Always,
I’m C.M. …and I’ll leave the light on for ya.

why do you come on a catholic forum and bash other’s beliefs. I’m sure most of the catholics on here would not go to a protestant board
spewing half-truths and twisting words to their own convenience.

Now, understand where i come from. I have no religion, as my profile says, I’m here to learn about catholicism and I also go to some protestant boards as well. That is where i notice the difference. Anti-catholics seem to be more vocal and more hateful in their posts that anti-protestants.

Please, do as the others say and read the catechism (sp?). My husband and his family do not agree with catholic teaching and for a long time, i suspected (though I didn’t really believe) that they seemed right. After reading the catechism, a lot of things made a lot more sense to me. It made me realize that catholics do know what they are doing.
Ex, I agree with the others. Your ignorance of many Catholic doctrines and even simple ecumenical gestures such as the Holy Father did (when given a gift in public) is appalling.

Instead of going off half-cocked in your criticism of Catholicism, why don’t you take year off, study it with a local priest, attend Catholic Alpha, RCIA, take courses in Catholic theology at a local Catholic university or by correspondence and then come back here.

We respond to your mistakes, but it is tiresome. However you are welcome here whatever you wish to do. I just wish you would stop having so much stubborn pride and at least hold up the idea that yes, YOU might just possibly be wrong and this Church of 2,004 years be right.

Good luck with that,

ex-bible believing protestant

Friend when you say these words “hail Mary” while praying to Mary, this is a form of worship.

You are right, they dont see it I was watching etwn the other day and I thought I heard Mary full of grace to many times to count. There is only mediator and that is Jesus Christ. I turned it off after a few minutes.
Ex, I agree with the others. Your ignorance of many Catholic doctrines and even simple ecumenical gestures such as the Holy Father did (when given a gift in public) is appalling.

Instead of going off half-cocked in your criticism of Catholicism, why don’t you take year off, study it with a local priest, attend Catholic Alpha, RCIA, take courses in Catholic theology at a local Catholic university or by correspondence and then come back here.

We respond to your mistakes, but it is tiresome. However you are welcome here whatever you wish to do. I just wish you would stop having so much stubborn pride and at least hold up the idea that yes, YOU might just possibly be wrong and this Church of 2,004 years be right.

Good luck with that,

ex-bible believing protestant

Any religion that put Sacrements and Mary before the Lord Jesus you might want to pull the bible out and read it. While your at it pray that and also ask that the Lord grant you wisdom in this matter.😃
Joehar please read some Catholic books.

My recomendations are the Bible, the Catechism, and “the Lambs Supper” by Scott Hahn.
Dear ex-

I’ll suppose for a moment that you are 100% correct about everything you post and your hatred of the Catholic Church.

Do you really think that your “my way or the highway” approach could ever work with any person about anything? Don’t you understand it is the biggest turn-off there could ever be?
I’m not going to get into this argument with you, it’s to late at night to go into that much depth tonight and there’s some great people on this forum than can probably do it better than I can.

What I will say is you hate what you do not understand. If you think your posts today are somehow a new revelation to any of the regular members here you are mistaken. We have heard it all. Things like :
We worship Mary

We pray to the dead

We believe we have to earn our way to heaven

We follow the popes teachings and not the Bible

We believe priests forgive our sins

I’m sure I’ve missed some but I can assure these accusations are not new to us. And none of the above that I listed is true of the Catholic faith. You are listening to what others have told you and not researching Catholicism and church history on your own. For your statements to be given some weight they have to be accurate. There is already a thread about the pope kissing the Qu’ran on this forum. When I find it I will post it for you.
rayne89 is right, some people hate what they (really) do not understand. I for once was a hater of the Catholic Church and tought of the Church teachings as blasphemous and monstrous
lies. But when I closely studied it ( for 6 years) I was enlightened and finally, entered to the one true Church last year.

Lesson: Study and read objectively and with openess not with hatred and don’t swallow everything what others has feed…
We’ve told ex-catholic everything to correctly oppose his statements, and it’s obvious he has nothing intelligent to say in return. We should probably just forget this spammer.
Friend when you say these words “hail Mary” while praying to Mary, this is a form of worship.
My old high school’s motto was “Hail, Edgewater…” guess all the students and teachers worshiped the school by your logic. :rolleyes:
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