The Poster After Me

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With a cold Beck’s or St. Pauli girl, yes.

TPAM believes that “global warming” is junk science.
I did once, many years ago…to scare away some Jehovah’s Witnesses at the side door…

TPAM is an NBA fan.
Nope…I haven’t had hard liquor in at least 20 years…however, if you enjoy good beer and ale, I’ve been a homebrewer for 35 years…

TPAM collects stuffed animals.
No. Is anyone? They’re harmless 🙂

TPAM drives more than an hour each way to get to/from work.
Nope…I’m semi-retired…work seasonally…when weather permits, I’ll be back at the golf course, ten minutes away…

TPAM enjoys board games.
Yes, but rarely gets to play any 😦
TPAM loves to watch olympic figure skating
My wife loves it, so I tolerate it…

TPAM has operated a front-end loader.
No, sour cream and onion for me 🙂

TPAM is procrastinating something that they should be doing right now (and even if they’re not, I certainly am 😂 )
Absolutely. It’s my worst fault and Satan uses it against me. I believe that.

TPAM is like Garfield, he/she loves lasagna.
Guilty as charged! I order it when I am out because I enjoy having someone else do all the work involved once in a while.

The poster after me is a vegetarian.
No but my daughter is at the moment…
TPAM is very multi dexterous
Literally, no. Figuratively? What skills I have are being tested in my parish as we speak 😬

TPAM is married to a non-Catholic.
Yes I am. Although she is considering converting.

TPAM has seen The Sapranos
I watched one or two episodes. Not my thing really.

TPAM is popular with the ladies. (not in a sinful way, just well liked)
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