The Poster After Me

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No, I wish I did.

TPAM has had a broken bone and an autographed cast.
I have broken a couple of bones, but I did not keep the autographed cast.
TPAM likes sunflowers.
Indeed, I do. They are so very cheerful, aren’t they? 🙂 Fields full of them in the surrounding area (I’m on vacation in the French countryside at the moment)…🌻🌻🌻

TPAM got out of bed before dawn this morning.
Yes I do, but I am not much of a shutter bug any more.
TPAM loves gardening.
No, but I did have some morning glory flowers that sprouted for a few days before they died.

TPAM has been on CAF lately…
No, but I do love figs!

TPAM has sent flowers to someone during the past year.
Once I’m asleep, yes. The problem is getting to sleep in the first place.

TPAM keeps a paper journal in which (s)he writes every day.
No, too much trouble.

TPAM has a dental check up due before the end of summer.
Yes, I’m sorry about several things.

TPAM loves to watch sports TV.
But of course I have. Everyone has at some point.

TPAM bites his/her fingernails.
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