The Poster After Me

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No, only (some) farmers have them in these here parts.

TPAM has stand-up paddling equipment.
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I don’t even have sit down paddling equipment. 😜

TPAM has won a baking contest
Not a contest as such, and it wasn’t baking as such, but I have won once.

TPAM suffers fools gladly 😃
No, it’s a major Achilles heel of mine. I have an extremely low threshold for stupidity. 😖

TPAM drinks at least two quarts or liters of water daily.
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No, I haven’t yet gone that deep into Italy. It’s unlikely to happen in the next five years, but after that…

TPAM regularly uses artificial sweeteners.
I do now yes. I’m trying one sugar and one sweetener in my coffee, I don’t have sugar in tea though so not a problem there.

TPAM likes poetry
I do. But as I get older I tolerate sweet things less and less. So I prefer dark chocolate.

TPAM is under the weather today.
No, I’m in fine form :muscle:t3: Deo gratias

Praying for everyone who is ill 🤒 🤧 🙏

TPAM loves a snowball fight.
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True, but I hate snow. It gives me a headache.
TPAM has is embarrassed by their middle name
I used to be because it was a name used for its comedic value kinda. There are far worse though.

TPAM once borrowed something which broke, aargh!
No, not that I can think of.

TPAM likes mustard on their grilled cheese sandwiches.
No, I don’t gourmet, just pickle on my cheese, anything else might cause excitement.

TPAM has a reader who sometimes misreads words!
Yes the Kindle reader always mispronounces words as well as ignore punctuation.
TPAM dyes their hair.
So far, I don’t have to. Probably will be too lazy for the upkeep when I would need to! ☺️

TPAM has family coming in for Christmas.
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No, but I imagine the MIL will darken our doorstep next Christmas unless we move before then…which is yet another reason to hope that we do. 👵 🚫 :no_good_woman:t2: 😝

TPAM has a younger brother.
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No. I’ve got a younger cousin who is like a brother to me.

TPAM has brothers-in-law but no sisters-in-law.
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