The Poster After Me

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I wear International Orange when I go deer hunting.

TPAM likes to take afternoon naps
I never take naps. I’ve only taken one in the past two years that wasn’t me waiting in the car for someone.

TPAM is a night owl.
Definitely…worked evening shift for 25 years…old habits are hard to break…

TPAM still uses paper roadmaps.
Absolutely. I might have five cups of coffee a year, but I drink several cups of tea each day…

TPAM can juggle.
If they don’t slobber all over me and smell bad, yes

TPAM believes in UFO’s and men from outer space.
Yes. Like nearly every day (Communion fast). I tend to eat for the first time each day at around 11:30am.

TPAM is an avid alpine (downhill) skier.
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I enjoy watching it…does that count?

TPAM’s childhood ambition was to be a Mouseketeer.
Yes I did, but that was because I had a crush on Annette Funicello. 😍

TPAM has served on a jury
Yes - twice…the second was a federal drug bust…very interesting…

TPAM enjoys watching ‘Forged in Fire’.
I actually do watch that show and am pretty good about predicting who will win.

The poster after me needs to go grocery shopping today.
If I had the time, I would…I’ll put it off until tomorrow…

TPAM drives an SUV.
Nope, I drive a Honda. It has pro-life bumper stickers which may not have been the best decision ever, because they attract a lot of attention. There is nothing quite like coming out of Wal-Mart, in the dark, and finding people clustered around your car. Yeah fun times…

TPAM has made jambalaya!
While I have eaten it in N’Awlins, I’ve never made it.

TPAM hates shopping at Wal-Mart
I enjoy shopping at Walmart 🙂 Because I’m Australian.
TPAM is a real chatterbox !
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