ReggieM, let me try to make it simpler: Faith=by guess and by golly. I’m not asking, I’m saying. There is nothing faith based about my statements, I am speaking about my experience. So I am not sure what it is you think I am probing.
If you’re merely making declarations about your experiences, then you’re incapable of having a discussion. For you, it would be a one-way talk track. Everyone would have the privilege of listening to your knowledge, but you would not be willing to understand another person’s view. This may be because, perhaps, you claim to know what I am, what I’m thinking, my experiences of faith and my own knowledge.
If you’re claiming that, then you’re claiming supernatural powers - at least on the order of a mystic or prophet. Again, I don’t see the evidence that you are such. You’ve denied this claim later in the post – but you here claim that you don’t need to “probe” anything in order to understand. But you cannot be equipped with every possible bit of knowledge about God and the universe. Again, I do not see that.
You don’t know me and you don’t know my future. You accept, by faith, that you do or perhaps that you don’t need to. So, I see that as a ffaith-based view.
Beyond this, your knowledge would be very much limited if you were unable to communicate it successfully. You might claim that everyone who does not understand your view is “ignorant”. But you do not likewise probe the idea that perhaps you are not able to communicate your message well enough.
Again, I don’t know what view you take on this. But I would say that if you take the view that anyone who doesn’t understand what you’re saying is thereby proven “ignorant”, then I’d see that as a definite sign of narcissism (of the kind very common to self-proclaimed prophets).
But then again, you may well be much more reflective, humble and rightly skeptical of your own claims than it appears you are so I cannot and would not dare to judge.
The evidence I am using includes yours, but includes material and experience not included in your current understanding, as far as I can tell.
Again, a faith-based claim. You don’t know me or my experiences – but you draw conclusions and make claims.
Trust a Pope if you must, or any other.
It might surprise you (and here I do see signs of arrogance) but I’m not looking for your advice or permission on this. On the contrary, I note your rejection of Christ’s teaching in favor of your own and I find that to be a very serious error and flaw. So, no, I wouldn’t say that we’re on the same path at all. The path that Christ calls us to is a narrow one – requiring sublimation to God through His Church.
And there is certainly no *need *to trust me. That could be silly.
If you’re not trustworthy, then there is little need for this discussion. You cannot cite anyone who will vouch for your prophetic/mystical stature, thus far, so I don’t have a reference. I don’t know if you have disciples or followers, but I’d assume that you do – or that you’ve started some kind of church or group of some kind.
Again, lacking that and having to rely on your own personal visions and knowledge, known to you alone, supported by your own claims of greatness and wisdom … I find little there to trust and no way to validate anything you’ve claimed. There are any number of raving lunatics who claim that no one in the entire world is as wise, mystically-aware, holy, intelligent or great as they are. So again, I don’t know – are you merely a part of that community of self-validated teachers?
I can be deceived in many things. But I am not deceived as to the nature of my own Being. In fact, on Awakening, many have been known to say, as do I, “I have not been deceived!” And my ideas “about” God are on a rather different basis than yours, and they are anything but personal.
I’m open to whatever ideas about God you may have. It appears that you had some kind of private, personal revelation and you’ve accepted this as an ultimate truth against the teaching and practice of the Church.
So, I’d not only be interested in what you have to teach about God, but also how you validate it and how you’d expect anyone to believe what you’re saying.
Even Christ had to work miracles to prove his Divinity and the truth of His message. One could say the same about numerous saints. So, while I am not asking you to work a miracle to prove something to me, I am wondering why you think I (or anyone else) would think that your private vision is correct?
… continued