How can a logical argument be formed to demonstrate that something can come from nothing? This is absurd. I only respond to your lack of thinking for the sake of the weak. Science relies on logic to interpret events. Science cannot prove anything more then how we interpret something.There’s no possibility of you accepting this? Not even if a logical argument could be made for it, or robust scientific proof was provided?
I have. You simply refuse to accept it; and you ignore logic in order to achieve your position.You are convinced by the argument you have put forward. Fair enough. But from where I’m standing, you have not given any reason I can see why this Unmoved Mover must
First of all, i said that the God of philosophy must have the attributes of the Christian God. I do not mean to say that Jesus is proof of God. But many of the attributes of the God of Christianity, such as a “will” and “mind”, are necessary in order for the God of philosophy to be intelligible. I apologize if you thought i meant that i had proof that Jesus was God; that was not what i meant.Perhaps I have read them all too thoroughly. And why should this argument lead specifically to the Christian God,
They can prove that a transcendent being with a will to create exists. Whether or not such a being can be shown to be the God of any particular religion is a subject for a different threadas you say it must? As far as I can see, any religion that believes in a universe-creating entity can use exactly your argument to prove that their conception of God must necessarily be the correct one.
This is an excuse that you have invented in order to ignore the facts.No . That’s not what I said. Don’t misrepresent me, please. I am saying that I cannot - with my brain bound as it is by the laws of physics - grasp what things must have been like under conditions where there was no time and no space. Acknowledging this limitation, I am certainly not going to do anything rash like attribute human qualitites like will and desire to an entity which, you have demonstrated, must necessarily be completely unlike anything that human beings have encountered before.
This thread is about the logical foundations that support the proofs for God.Well if I look at what people seem to be calling the “New Atheist” movement, metaphysical discussions about the origin of the universe is neither first nor the only barrier to belief in a divine entity.