One of us is wrong, certainly. Let’s remember that this is a Catholic Website and that the 1950 encyclical, Humani Generis, which you quoted, made plain the Pope’s sincere hope that evolution will be shown to have been a mere transient scientific fad, and goes on to challenge those who “imprudently and indiscreetly hold that evolution …explains the origin of all things.”
Thomas Aquinas posits that an infinite chain will never accomplish its objective, so unguided life from natural causes is not possible.
God is distinguished from all finite beings. It follows that the world could only have come from God by creation
Not even by way of a miracle can a finite nature be given creative power
No created agent can in any way influence the being of any effect unless it has itself been moved by the first Cause.
Thomism is fundamental to Catholic Theology
We are made by God in His image.
Genesis and evolution are not bedfellows
Thomas Aquinas posits that an infinite chain will never accomplish its objective, so unguided life from natural causes is not possible.
God is distinguished from all finite beings. It follows that the world could only have come from God by creation
Not even by way of a miracle can a finite nature be given creative power
No created agent can in any way influence the being of any effect unless it has itself been moved by the first Cause.
Thomism is fundamental to Catholic Theology
We are made by God in His image.
Genesis and evolution are not bedfellows