We’re supposed to believe, that the creator of the universe, supposedly omnipotent, benevolent and omniscient God creates very fallible and weak beings. He then puts these pathetic creatures to the test, but watching to see if they pass his cosmic exam. Those who fail the test, spend eternity in the depths of hell? Why would God play such games with us, especially when he knows how prone to sin his creation really is.Here is a simplistic answer to why evil exist or why God allows disasters to happen.
Life is simply a test. Which will you choose; sin and death; or goodness and Heaven. How will your respond to sin and evil ? with love charity and forgiveness or will you be indifferent; embrace evil or perpetrate evil ?.
Your suggesting that God created our nature, God allows sin in the world, and then he sits around testing us like he’s some bored 13 year old in the sky?
Do you test your children, and when they screw up, do you reject them, do you throw them into a lake of fire? Of course you don’t, so why do you think a perfect God would do so?
When a 104 year old lady has fallen, broken her hip beyond repair and then lies in a hospital bed, barely concious, in absolute agony and let me be expressly clear…the lady knows only agony and this goes on for over a week before she finally dies…that suffering benefits no one. If all of this is real, God would simply stop her heart on the first day, yet God does not.Many of the saints and martyrs embraced suffering (and many even inflicted it upon themselves - which is grossly misunderstood) offering up their pain for the salvation of others.
What of those who die painfully, alone and who die terribly? You seem to be suggesting that others suffer, so that you may learn about hell, so that you may be kind to those who suffer. Tens of thousands of people die everyday, awful deaths, lonely deaths, painful deaths…no one is around to learn anything about their suffering or to offer them kindness.When we see suffering and death, we learn a little about what Hell and Purgatory may be like. Plus it gives us the opportunity to be charitable and understanding. It gives us a chance to help others and sympathize with their pain and sorrow, to offer comfort and empathy…
Entire genocides have gone on, while the world has stood by and watched.
I agree with you, your answer was simplistic and far from being rational.