You’re missing the point. Consider the following:Yes, the point of the thought experiment was to merely swap out “good” for “evil” to see what happens.
It seems the consensus here is that “good” is equivalent to “being” in a way that “evil” cannot be.
The problem here is that people don’t typically mean “being” when they say “good.” The statement “God is good” is rendered empty if we equate “being” with “good.” The statement doesn’t tell us anything at all, it’s just an assertion of existence.
Is that what people mean when they say “God is good?”
Room A is brightly lit. Room B is dark. Light is something substantial whereas darkness is merely the absence of light. Does it follow that Room A exists whereas Room B does not exist? Does the presence of light (something that “exists” as opposed to darkness) mean Room A “exists” more than Room B? No.
Goodness “exists” whereas badness is simply the absence of Goodness. Does that change the meaning of goodness to existence? Not at all. No more than the fact that light existing means that light equals existence.
Do you agree you drew faulty conclusions?