The problem of goodness

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Why does God allow human beings to exist? None of us asked to be born.
Why did a God who is all powerful make me exist?
Here I am drawing breath. It is good to be alive.

It’s not fair.
Why’s it not fair…if it’s good to be alive? Not fair to the non-existent ones? 😀 Yes, goodness is truly a problem. I think we should ask just how many people in this world would choose to give up their existence if the chance was given to take it away in, say, the next second. Probably few takers, while many complainers.
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This is the problem of good, and I have seen it in debates with atheists. Although, as far as I’m concerned, the problem of evil presupposes that good exists. Why would a loving God allow anything, good or evil? How does the atheist know what evil or good is? They may not admit it, but that morality is based on someone or something.
God didn’t make us exist. God granted our parents free will and our parents exercised their free will to make us exist.
God didn’t make us exist. God granted our parents free will and our parents exercised their free will to make us exist.
sort of…
How many times did your parents participate in the pro-creative act? And by comparison, how many of you are there? Did you parents will you a little more intensely the one time but not the others?
And if God “granted your parents free will”, why do you deny that God participated in making us? God does one but not the other?
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I could ask you the same question: why did your parents want to give birth to you?
Genesis 1:26-28
1:26 Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness, so they may rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move on the earth.” 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply! Fill the earth and subdue it! Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that moves on the ground.”
Irrelevant. A pre-condition of us existing is their exercise of free will. They could have both chosen to remain chaste and neither of us would exist.
This is true, but does not support your position that your parents created you by their own will.
The human is the temple of the Holy Spirit, that Holy Spirit returns to The Father possibly greater than it was. We of all creatures are honoured and helped to carry out this mission. I think.
does not support your position that your parents created you by their own will.
Strawman…that’s not my position. I never said parents create me “by their own will”. I said they exercised free will to make us exist.
does not support your position that your parents created you by their own will.
Strawman…that’s not my position. I never said parents create me “by their own will”. I said they exercised free will to make us exist.
This is what you said.
God didn’t make us exist. God granted our parents free will and our parents exercised their free will to make us exist.
You’re confusing
(A) parents creating a human being by their own will, with
(B) parents exercising free will so that a human being is created

humans dont create humans. humans exercise free choice which results in humans being created or not.
You’re confusing
(A) parents creating a human being by their own will, with
(B) parents exercising free will so that a human being is created

humans dont create humans. humans exercise free choice which results in humans being created or not.
YEs agreed. Your initial post was not clear on the issue, in that it denied the role of a creator.
Humans pro-create, or create with, a creator.
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Your initial post was not clear on the issue, in that it denied the role of a creator.
No because it stated God granted our parents free will, so it did not deny role of a creator.

The point is that the OP of “why did God make me exist” is false since implies an inevitability to us being created, since God alone is being looked as reason for us being born.
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I have thought of this before

I’ve wondered if not existing is the best option
Beats hell for sure but if I don’t exist
I wouldn’t want heaven because I couldn’t want anything nor care about it
So why not just not exist? I won’t care or feel a thing I’m just out of this …right?

I don’t have the words to explain to myself or anybody why it isn’t sad not to have this option

But I trust that God knows why He made souls immortal and why is made me at all when sometimes I secretly wish I wasn’t

God made a good that is worth being created for
And I should be thankful as much as I can because

I’m basically trying to tell a supreme being what he can do and what is fair
When He is Good to us
And will never stop
So though I have my doubts and fears

I know in my head (not always my heart) that He is correct not just because he is all powerful but because he truly knows all and chose the goodness for us

That’s my two cents on this issue
Your initial post was not clear on the issue, in that it denied the role of a creator.
No because it stated God granted our parents free will, so it did not deny role of a creator.

The point is that the OP of “God made us” is false since implies an inevitability to us being created, since God alone is being looked as reason for us being born.
As God is the uncaused cause of all things, or the ground of all being, or the essence of existence from which all things come to be,
it certainly is founded to say that “God makes us”.
Again: Human beings pro-create. God is creator. Only in God is being and doing unified, so it can only be said of God that he makes or creates. All other is co-operation.
Human beings can only cooperate.
Human beings pro -create
That is mutually exclusive with “why did God make me exist” (OP) since it ignores free will of the human beings in the pro-creation.
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Human beings pro -create
That is mutually exclusive with “why did God make me exist” (OP) since it ignores free will of the human beings in the pro-creation.
You’re entitled to your opinion and I respect it.
(it;s also good to note the question has an element of satire)
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I wouldn’t want heaven because I couldn’t want anything nor care about it
Cheer up 🙂

In heaven you experience “life and to the full” as promised by Jesus, imagine being aware of the universe, creation and the unconditional,love of God! You won’t have cares like now, and you won’t want anything except to be one with God. In the fullness of time you’ll see this I pray.
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