The Problem of Suffering

  • Thread starter Thread starter HandroZ
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HandroZ tries to solve the mystery of suffering. Only God knows all the details. Our mind can discover the truth, nonetheless thanks to the Paraclete we were given.But it will always be partial truth. The argument you develop builds upon a fallacy that “Creation didn’t happen.” From your Logics 101 you should know that, if one of the premises is false, the conclusion will be false. As Christians, we believe in Creation and in Creator. Thus, the possibility of “tying together the original sin and evolution” is not possible, except if we define evolution as a “progression of Creation,” which in fact has always been my definition. In other words, the evolution started at Creation, and the original sin happened soon after. Before the Creation, the universe was a void in total disorder. No Evolution was possible anyway under those circumstances. God brought order to the chaos, and that order included the principle of Evolution. As for your earlier statement that “humans must have [necessarily] lived forever and have been incredibly graced,” this statement is philosophically (logically) faulty as well. First, your stated “possibility” denies the biblical account of Creation of human beings, and secondly, it overlooks the biblical teaching that the first humans were indeed incredibly graced in Paradise, until they tasted the “apple of good and evil”! Thus, the biblical account, unlike your argument about “Creation being a non-historical myth,” is congruous, whereas your argument is not, with all due respect.
Aha, afriendofGod, I just needed to pop open the catechism and take a look there. Apparently, they had already though up this situation and written about it. Part 1, Section 2, Chapter 1, Article 1 starting around paragraph 7 or so, in case anyone wants to read up on it for their own benefit.
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