The Purpose-driven Left (Ann Coulter)

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It’s been a tough year for the secularist crowd. There was Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ,” the moral values election, the Christian hostage subduing her kidnapper by reading from “The Purpose Driven Life,” and the Christian effort to save Terri Schiavo. Not only that, but earlier this year the Rev. James Dobson insulted the Democrats’ mascot, SpongeBob SquarePants, with impunity.

And now, for all the hullabaloo in the media, you’d think the Pope had died.

The liberal take on Catholicism is that it’s a controversial religion because of its positions on abortion, sodomy and various other crucial planks of the Democratic platform (curiously, positions that are shared by all three of the world’s major religions).

In defense of the Catholic Church’s most “controversial” position (meaning “contrary to the clearly stated opinion of CNN”), I wanted to return to a story from a few weeks ago that passed from the headlines far too quickly. The “controversial” Catholic position is the ban on girl priests.

I’ll leave it to the Catholics to explain the theological details, but we have a beautiful pair of bookmarks to the exact same incident illustrating women’s special skills and deficits. The escape and capture of Brian Nichols shows women playing roles they should not (escorting dangerous criminals) and women playing roles they do best (making men better people).

Nichols’ murderous rampage began when he took the gun from a 5-foot-tall grandmother who was his sole guard at the Fulton County Courthouse. It ended when an otherwise unremarkable 26-year-old woman appealed to the Christian conscience of this same violent killer holding her hostage. . . .

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In short order, Smith was reading aloud to Nichols from the Christian book “The Purpose Driven Life” – in direct violation of his constitutional right to never hear any reference to God, in public or private, for any purpose, ever, ever, ever! For more on this right, go to the “People for the American Way” Web site.

After reading the first paragraph of Chapter 33 aloud, about serving God by serving others, Nichols – the man pundits were calling an “animal” – asked her to read it again.

Nichols listened to the passage again and responded by telling Smith he was already dead, saying, “Look at my eyes.” But Smith looked and told him God had a purpose for him, perhaps to minister to other lost souls in prison. Smith read to Nichols some more, both from the “Purpose” book and from another popular book that’s been dropped from all news accounts of this incident: the New Testament. (In the Hollywood version, Smith will be reading from the Quran.)

Smith knew all about Nichols’ violent depredations from TV. Yet she saw him not as a monster, but as one of God’s creatures. Most Christians – most people – have trouble seeing the humanity of people who take our parking spots. Smith could see God’s hand in a multiple murderer holding her hostage. By showing him genuine Christian love, Smith turned Nichols from a beast to a brother in Christ. This phenomenon, utterly unknown to liberals, is what’s known as a “miracle.”
Wow, Ann really outdid herself this time. I think she has a powerful pen!
A marvelous column!

Ann Coulter is phenomenal, except for her support for the Iraq War, that is…😉
A marvelous column!

Ann Coulter is phenomenal, except for her support for the Iraq War, that is…😉
What? You think that the new government there that was elected by the people would agree with you?
What? You think that the new government there that was elected by the people would agree with you?
This is what is so troubling about the spirit that’s taken hold of this country. If you don’t support the party line 100%, you’re met with hostility. I just praised a neoconservative, and it’s evidently not good enough. Sheesh!
This is what is so troubling about the spirit that’s taken hold of this country. If you don’t support the party line 100%, you’re met with hostility. I just praised a neoconservative, and it’s evidently not good enough. Sheesh!
Well I’m afraid you succumbed to the temptation to use the “butt monkey” technique. Listen to Laura Ingraham for more details.

Lisa N
This is what is so troubling about the spirit that’s taken hold of this country. If you don’t support the party line 100%, you’re met with hostility. I just praised a neoconservative, and it’s evidently not good enough. Sheesh!
My comment wasn’t hostile. I am troubled by your lack of understanding what the Iraq people want. Did I mention any party lines?
by Ann Coulter
April 6, 2005

It’s been a tough year for the secularist crowd. There was Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ,” the moral values election, the Christian hostage subduing her kidnapper by reading from “The Purpose Driven Life,” and the Christian effort to save Terri Schiavo. Not only that, but earlier this year the Rev. James Dobson insulted the Democrats’ mascot, SpongeBob SquarePants, with impunity.
        And now, for all the hullabaloo in the media, you'd think the Pope had died.
The liberal take on Catholicism is that it’s a controversial religion because of its positions on abortion, sodomy and various other crucial planks of the Democratic platform (curiously, positions that are shared by all three of the world’s major religions).

In defense of the Catholic Church’s most “controversial” position (meaning “contrary to the clearly stated opinion of CNN”), I wanted to return to a story from a few weeks ago that passed from the headlines far too quickly. The “controversial” Catholic position is the ban on girl priests.

I’ll leave it to the Catholics to explain the theological details, but we have a beautiful pair of bookmarks to the exact same incident illustrating women’s special skills and deficits. The escape and capture of Brian Nichols shows women playing roles they should not (escorting dangerous criminals) and women playing roles they do best (making men better people).

Nichols’ murderous rampage began when he took the gun from a 5-foot-tall grandmother who was his sole guard at the Fulton County Courthouse. It ended when an otherwise unremarkable 26-year-old woman appealed to the Christian conscience of this same violent killer holding her hostage.

At 2 a.m. one Saturday night, Ashley Smith went out for cigarettes while unpacking her new apartment, yet another victory for tobacco pleasure. Returning from the store, Smith was grabbed by a man at her front door, who put a gun in her side and told her not to scream. He asked if she knew who he was. When he removed his baseball cap, she saw it was Nichols, the dangerous fugitive all over TV who had escaped custody during his rape trial and had killed four people in the previous 48 hours. (Although he also looked a lot like of one the guys on “American Idol.”)

In Smith’s apartment, Nichols bound Smith’s feet and hands and put her in the bathtub. Later, at Smith’s request, Nichols allowed her to hop from the bathroom into the bedroom, where she began talking to him. (cont’d)
In short order, Smith was reading aloud to Nichols from the Christian book “The Purpose Driven Life” — in direct violation of his constitutional right to never hear any reference to God, in public or private, for any purpose, ever, ever, ever! For more on this right, go to the “People for the American Way” Web site.

After reading the first paragraph of Chapter 33 aloud, about serving God by serving others, Nichols — the man pundits were calling an “animal” — asked her to read it again.

Nichols listened to the passage again and responded by telling Smith he was already dead, saying, “Look at my eyes.” But Smith looked and told him God had a purpose for him, perhaps to minister to other lost souls in prison. Smith read to Nichols some more, both from the “Purpose” book and from another popular book that’s been dropped from all news accounts of this incident: the New Testament. (In the Hollywood version, Smith will be reading from the Quran.)

Smith knew all about Nichols’ violent depredations from TV. Yet she saw him not as a monster, but as one of God’s creatures. Most Christians — most people — have trouble seeing the humanity of people who take our parking spots. Smith could see God’s hand in a multiple murderer holding her hostage. By showing him genuine Christian love, Smith turned Nichols from a beast to a brother in Christ. This phenomenon, utterly unknown to liberals, is what’s known as a “miracle.” Top that, Paul Krugman!

Nichols told Smith she was “an angel sent from God,” calling her “his sister” and himself her “brother in Christ.” Nichols said he had come to Smith’s home for a reason, in Smith’s words, that “he was lost and God led him right to me to tell him that he had hurt a lot of people.”

This trampling of our Constitution — I mean this conversation — lasted long into the night. They watched Nichols’ shooting people on TV. Nichols said he couldn’t believe he was that man. In the morning, Smith made Nichols eggs and pancakes for breakfast. Then she walked out of the apartment to pick up her daughter and to call 911. The last thing Nichols said as Smith was leaving was to say hello to her daughter for him. When the police arrived, Nichols surrendered without incident, an utterly transformed human being.
         Heaven help the average liberal if this ever happens to him! What would an urban secularist do? *Come sit down and let me read to you from Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men."* Or maybe he could put a SpongeBob video in the VCR. WE ARE FAM-I-LEEEEE! At least before he killed again, the dangerous fugitive would have warm feelings toward homosexuals.
It’s also another example of how our universities are failing students. Today’s college coeds would be dead: They know nothing about Jesus Christ and can’t cook a good meal.

Smith saved the soul of a man on a killing spree by talking to him about Christianity. But liberals think this won’t work with the Muslims? We ought to fly this Ashley Smith to Saudi Arabia. We could just make her a box lunch every day and send her on her way.

Liberals would approve of a nice Christian girl like Smith going to the Middle East only if she went as a Marine or — better! — if she were getting herself run over by a tank while defending a PLO tunnel into the Gaza Strip used by suicide bombers. Sadly for liberals, feminist lunacy doesn’t convert and transform, it browbeats and harangues. The only miracle it has ever performed is getting people to listen to Nancy Pelosi.
My comment wasn’t hostile. I am troubled by your lack of understanding what the Iraq people want. Did I mention any party lines?
Are you really sure you understand what the Iraqi people want? I offer the following link, and, if you’re interested, we can discuss.
Are you really sure you understand what the Iraqi people want? I offer the following link, and, if you’re interested, we can discuss.
😃 Come on now…this is a stretch even for you…www.antiwar… 😉 a top notch purveyor of truth for sure :rolleyes:

Might I also add how condescending of you to bold face the** you ** in your response to Fitz…
aimee said:
😃 Come on now…this is a stretch even for you…www.antiwar😉 a top notch purveyor of truth for sure :rolleyes:

Did you read the link?
Might I also add how condescending of you to bold face the** you **in your response to Fitz…
No condescension intended. When I write, I use the emphasis I would use were I speaking with the person.
The survey of 1,967 Iraqis was conducted Feb. 27-March 5, after Iraq held its first free elections in half a century in January. According to the poll, 62% say the country is headed in the right direction and 23% say it is headed in the wrong direction:

According to polls, opinion among Iraqis regarding the situation there has reached a new high. 62% feel conditions are headed in the right direction, while only 23% hold the opposite view. 48% favor a “special role” for religion in government, while 44% think religion and government should be totally separate:

A poll conducted between Feb. 7 and March 5, found that 61.5 percent of 2,200 Iraqis surveyed in 15 of the country’s 18 provinces felt their country was “headed in the right direction”:

A poll taken in late February and early March showed that 60 percent of Iraqis believed the country is headed in the right direction, and almost as many expected the situation will “slowly” improve:
No condescension intended. When I write, I use the emphasis I would use were I speaking with the person.

Okay…I don’t hold grudges :cool:
Ann is just mad because some zealous college student squished a pie in her face,…during a speech,…that she was invited to give…errrrrrrr, what is wrong with our college system today anyway?
This is what is so troubling about the spirit that’s taken hold of this country. If you don’t support the party line 100%, you’re met with hostility. I just praised a neoconservative, and it’s evidently not good enough. Sheesh!
You call a civil difference of opinion “hostility”? On the contrary, I think maybe you are the one overreacting.
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