Do not confuse the physical infrastructure and the activity of the infrastructure.
Ideas evidently exist. They either exist physically, or spiritually. They cannot just exist but then at the same time not exist. Your belief to the contrary, is not based on logic, but is based on your materialistic belief system.
Incorrect. The Big Bang is merely the starting point of **this particular form** of the Universe.
Is this a scientific statement, belief, or a philosophically sufficient and consistent view point? If it is a “scientific statement”, then I am unaware that this is the current-accepted understanding of Big bang Cosmology. Given that you are probably making a “scientific statement”, I would be very grateful if you freely choose to provide me with the relevant empirical data. Please do not waste your time giving me a “speculative paper”, since this has not been and probably cannot be proven empirically, and so is not acceptable to me so far as you are making a “scientific statement”.
However, if you are making a “philosophical statement”, then please give me the reasoning behind you convictions. I do hope you are not exercising “blind faith”, since I get the feeling that this is exactly what your accusing the “Theist” of doing. .
In the singularity the concept of “time” is not defined.
Time begins at the singularity. .
Space and time are the properties of the Universe.
I agree. .
To speak of “outside” or “before” the Universe is exactly as meaningless as speaking about the “place” which is to the north from the North Pole.
I agree, but let me point out to you that the North Pole South Pole argument applies only to physical reality. There can be no “physical before or cause”. It is meaningless, just like its meaningless ask what is beyond the space time continuum. What is the Universe expanding into? That is a meaningless question. However, although it is meaningless to speak of a “physical first cause”, God, by the virtue and attributes of being “timeless”, “space-less”, “immaterial” and pure actuality, can principally exist “simultaneously” to the beginning of our Universe. God can be a “simultaneous first cause”. And thus, God does not have to exist before or outside of the universe. Although this is mind boggling, it is a hundred more times reasonable then supposing that reality simply exist, and at the same time it is expanding from an infinitesimal point from which it began to exist for absolutely no reason.
If you are going to prove God as “meaningless”, you are going to have to do a whole lot more then quote the old North Pole South pole argument. Given Gods attributes, it simply does not apply to God. It is meaningless.
Let me also point out to you that I never spoke of a “before” in the post that you quoted. Which tells me that it is likely that you are not really reading my posts; and probably skipping through them assuming before hand that “you are right” and “I am wrong?” The short bursts of absolute conviction with no explanation or presentation of the logic that underlies your philosophy, tempts me toward this conclusion. However to be fare, you have attempted at least some logical swordplay that would have left a weaker and younger version of me wounded, and you have done far better then those who I have spoken to before. But rhetoric aside, back to the debate at hand.
If I spoke of a “before” or “outside”, then given the rest of what I said in respect of Gods attributes, I obviously did not mean it in the sense that you are implying. And if I confused you, then I apologize. However, let me put it to you that “no” knowledgeable Theist speaks of a “before”, except as a “maker” in order to define the existents of a “first cause”. For the Theist, the fact that there was no “before”, proves that there was no prior “physical” cause to our universe; and then the Theist, given the absence of a physical cause, exclaims that “out of nothing, comes nothing”. By doing this the theist has set up a strong foundation, based on the singularity, to posit another reality, a space-less timeless, immaterial cause, a pure being which is pure actuality, which is justified by the fact that such a cause is the only possible cause given that no physical cause can be the first absolute cause. And I think the evidence explains as such, so that we have to admit that the universe is defined by the reality of “motion”, “object”, and the “process of becoming”, and therefore cannot find in itself an “ultimate physical reason” for its existence. The Theists speak of a first principle that is Immaterial, space-less, timeless, with out dimension, and is pure actuality with an eternal “will”, “mind” and “intent”. None of these require an “Outside” or “before” .
Space-less and timeless “reality” is an undefined concept. And we don’t assume that the world “arrived” from nothing either. The Universe simply exists.
Science explains to us, in no uncertain terms, that our Universe began to exist. A space-less and timeless reality is defined by the fact that it has no dimensions and neither does it exist in time. A reality such as this is the very being in which time is rooted and is able to move from one moment to the next. God is existence, the first principle, and the foundation of time.
The singularity event is a true mystery, but not because we haven’t got a clue. Nobody knows what is happening at the singularity precisely because “physical reality” including the “laws of physics”, break-down at the singularity and become meaningless or immeasurable so far as “causality” is concerned. All measurements are after the singularity, because that’s where time exists; it does not exist “before”. .