What kind of Subject is Etology ?
Don’t know, this is the first I’ve heard of it.
Why is it so important today, to live a clean life in the twenty first century ?
What is meant by a “clean life”? A pure life, free from sin, is just as important today as is was a thousand years ago.
My opponent tried to prove that we live in the totally different time and Society ,’‘the different Form and Type of the changed society’’ ?
Times change. Morality does not. Ask your opponent if he can describe what truth is. One aspect of something that is true is that it lasts, it withstands the ravages of time.
Is there such a thing as an overpopulation of the earth ?
Scientists will tell you that this is true. Religious people will tell you that this is false. They’re both right, and they’re both wrong.
The scientists don’t realize it but when they characterize the imbalance of people and resources as “overpopulation” they are making a subjective value judgement. Something an unbiased scientist ought not to do in his work. To say that we are overpopulated is to say that there are too many people. That is a value judgement. The phrase “too many” implies that this condition is “not good” - a value judgement that betrays a bias. It is not within the realm of science to make judgements of how many human beings is not enough, just enough, or too many. Science should stick with describing the situations as “under-resourced”, or “a resource-population imbalance.” Can you see that how you characterize the situation will affect the types of solutions you seek?
Some religious folks step outside their boundaries an attempt to dismiss this resource-population imbalance by noting that all the world’s humanity could fit in the state of Texas. That claim shows a totally gross ignorance of ecology. The religious folks would be better off stating it like Mother Theresa did, “Saying there are too many children is like saying there’s too many flowers.”
In my home state the natural resource managers are continually struggling to balance the deer population with the habitat and the desires of the people. Ask someone who just spent $3500 at the autobody shop about the deer and he’ll tell you they are overpopulated. Ask a hunter who just spent 5 days hunting and saw no deer and he’ll tell you we don’t have enough deer.
In ecology is the animal population exceeds the capacity of the habitat the population must decrease. Some animals may venture out seeking new territory and thus spread their species, many will perish if they don’t find good habitat. For those that stay on many will perish as food becomes less, health is weakened and disease ravages the population. Eventually the population is thinned out. And then the survivors can begin rebuilding.
So it has happened with human populations. Civilizations rise up, and civilizations crumble. But there are always survivors.