Is the RCC a (so-called) “Zionist-Christian” Church, the way that many of the “born-again” / Evangelical / Protestant cults , sects, and churches nowadays tend to be ? And why are those groups like that , * really * ?? Is it merely an “alliance of convenience” for the Jews, with the aforementioned “born-again” / Evangelical/ Protestant Zionists really thinking that they are one day going to “convert” the Jews , or ?? I mean, looked at objectively, it seems like a relationship that is ultimately very “limited” , let’s say, given the gaping theological chasm that exists between the “allies”.
Now, I realize the RCC, like any institution, nation, family, or what-have-you, is not a “monolith”, and certainly individuals belonging to any group always have differing personal opinions. (Even on things that are supposed to be fundamental, or actually are officially fundamental, as far as the institution itself is concerned, like “moral vs. venial sin”, papal edicts regarding birth control usage, abstinence, abortion, the death penalty, war, even private “vice”-type of things like masturbation and pornography for example … )
Therefore, bearing in mind that no institution is a “monolith”, RC’s are bound to be of many , or at least “a few”, differing opinions regarding the current state of Israel, its right to continue existing in its current state, and also its relations with the indigenous Arabs of the regions (the “Palestinians”, although there is no Palestine on a map ~ yet). So, beyond the questions which I posed in the first paragraph, I was also wondering what standard RCC doctrine is on this / these issues regarding Israel , if there is any set doctrine on it from Rome, and also what some of your own opinions are on this very important social issue for our time.
(NOTE: Moderator, I apologize, I am not sure where this post should have gone, please move [again] if it’s wrong. Sorry).
Now, I realize the RCC, like any institution, nation, family, or what-have-you, is not a “monolith”, and certainly individuals belonging to any group always have differing personal opinions. (Even on things that are supposed to be fundamental, or actually are officially fundamental, as far as the institution itself is concerned, like “moral vs. venial sin”, papal edicts regarding birth control usage, abstinence, abortion, the death penalty, war, even private “vice”-type of things like masturbation and pornography for example … )
Therefore, bearing in mind that no institution is a “monolith”, RC’s are bound to be of many , or at least “a few”, differing opinions regarding the current state of Israel, its right to continue existing in its current state, and also its relations with the indigenous Arabs of the regions (the “Palestinians”, although there is no Palestine on a map ~ yet). So, beyond the questions which I posed in the first paragraph, I was also wondering what standard RCC doctrine is on this / these issues regarding Israel , if there is any set doctrine on it from Rome, and also what some of your own opinions are on this very important social issue for our time.
(NOTE: Moderator, I apologize, I am not sure where this post should have gone, please move [again] if it’s wrong. Sorry).