In our secular society “evil” is often watered down by words like “unacceptable”, “repugnant” and “antisocial” which suggest that evil is an outmoded concept. That is why I find it refreshing that a recent Isis atrocity was described by President Obama as “pure evil”. What is your view?
Guilt for which there are no mitigating circumstances.
And why have you put your post in a Philosophy forum - for Obama to speak of “pure” evil tells me he is not using it philosophically?
Philosophically evil is just a lack of something that a thing is meant to possess. That would suggest pure evil means a thing has absolutely no quality it I meant to have … which is somewhat ridiculous.
A false deduction. The motives of a person who commits an evil deed are positive: to derive pleasure and satisfaction from torturing and killing. Torturing and killing are themselves positive actions. The effects of an evil action or decision are also positive. Unhappiness, for example, is not merely an absence of happiness nor is pointless pain merely an absence of purpose.
All evil is** ultimately** negative because it defeats the God’s purpose in creating life. As St Thomas pointed out, it is incidental yet it undoubtedly has positive consequences. To be in Hell is to be separated from God yet it is the result of revolt and determination to be independent: “Let my will be done, let my kingdom come!” The damned don’t cease to exist yet they lack the fullness of existence with our divine Lord.