The regime of Roe v. Wade

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I thought we had eternal, not immortal? I am not trying to be rude or anything I just always heard eternal. Please correct me if I am wrong.
CCC **1703 **Endowed with “a spiritual and immortal” soul, the human person is “the only creature on earth that God has willed for its own sake.” From his conception, he is destined for eternal beatitude.

“Eternal,” IIRC, refers to that which has neither beginning nor end. It is properly used only in reference to God.

– Mark L. Chance.
CCC **1703 **Endowed with “a spiritual and immortal” soul, the human person is “the only creature on earth that God has willed for its own sake.” From his conception, he is destined for eternal beatitude.

“Eternal,” IIRC, refers to that which has neither beginning nor end. It is properly used only in reference to God.

– Mark L. Chance.
Sorry about that James and thanks for correcting my mistake mlchance…:tiphat:

Latin is a dead language from a dead culture. Modern concepts cannot be retrofitted to it to try and avoid modern knowledge, definitions and terms.
Bad arguement. The Church still uses Latin. In the Church’s eyes fetus is latin for baby. That is the reality whether you like it or not. Or do you just simply give in to the distortions and opinions of the liberal main stream media.
Bad arguement. The Church still uses Latin. In the Church’s eyes fetus is latin for baby. That is the reality whether you like it or not. Or do you just simply give in to the distortions and opinions of the liberal main stream media.
All arguments in support of abortion are bad arguments. In fact I have been amazed ove rhe years at the horrible, horrible biology and science that has been asserted by those trying to defend the indefensible. I have been told the unborn child is a parasite, that it goes through a stage where it is more amphibian than human, that it has no gender at conception, that it is akin to a tumor, that is no different from a sperm cell,yada,yada,yada. And of course it is generally conceded by all that the so called science that the USSC used to support the original ruling was fatally flawed…
All arguments in support of abortion are bad arguments. In fact I have been amazed ove rhe years at the horrible, horrible biology and science that has been asserted by those trying to defend the indefensible. I have been told the unborn child is a parasite, that it goes through a stage where it is more amphibian than human, that it has no gender at conception, that it is akin to a tumor, that is no different from a sperm cell,yada,yada,yada. And of course it is generally conceded by all that the so called science that the USSC used to support the original ruling was fatally flawed…
Interesting. The media labels it as pro-choice and pro-life. If you take pro-choice and look at it, it is exactly what it implies. Pro-choice is pro-death. Scientism is a danger and the USSC is a perfect example of this. All their long-winded attempts at rationalization. Doesn’t work. Guess who gets all the attemtion. The pro-choicers who become the darlings of the media. The media “we advocate killing innocent children” continues on with their ant-Catholic bais. Anyone that’s pro-life is automatically looked at as a sexist pig, a racist, a homophobic; attacks like this that are emotionally based. Emotionally based statements that come from people who say that “the truth is found according to our experiences”. In the words of Bishop Sheen, “Life is worth living.”
The truth is found according to our experiences huh? So, this means that Hitler was just in killing 12 million people, including 6 million Jews? The truth is found according to our experiences means that killing innocent unborn babies is morally justifiable? The idea that “the truth is found according to our experiences” is just absolute nonsense. An absolute nonsensical statement that has its roots in moral relativism or modernism, which dominated the “free-thinking” 19th century.
Aquinas was wrong, and the Church has said so in this particular matter. That point aside, the existence of the soul is irrelevant. The developing embryo/fetus/baby is alive and it is human. These are scientific facts. Therefore, it has a right to life. This is a moral fact.

Facts are much better than yet more sophistry.

– Mark L. Chance.
Hybrid argument.
I have been told the unborn child is a parasite,
It does go through a parasitic stage from when the placenta forms, ubtil borth.

This is not a reason for abortion.
Dr. Marcella Colbert of the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese’s Respect Life Office has been involved for decades in counseling women who’ve had abortions. She’s never met a woman yet who wasn’t forced into the abortion.

Would you please define what you, or in this case, Dr. Colbert means by ‘force’? Does this usually mean emotionally or are there cases in the US of women being physically forced to abort their babies?

Would you please define what you, or in this case, Dr. Colbert means by ‘force’? Does this usually mean emotionally or are there cases in the US of women being physically forced to abort their babies?
Both, moreso the former than the latter. According to Dr. Colbert during my talks with her during a few classes, most of the women she has counseled have been emotionally bullied and threatened into abortions.

– Mark L. Chance.
Both, moreso the former than the latter. According to Dr. Colbert during my talks with her during a few classes, most of the women she has counseled have been emotionally bullied and threatened into abortions.

– Mark L. Chance.
Is this by the father of the baby or the abortion clinic staff/doctors? While I can imagine the father would do this, it is horrible to think that the people working at the clinic or even a doctor would do that. I am just being naive?
Is this by the father of the baby or the abortion clinic staff/doctors? While I can imagine the father would do this, it is horrible to think that the people working at the clinic or even a doctor would do that. I am just being naive?
By any number of people depending on case: fathers, parents of the pregnant woman/girl, “counselors,” clinic workers, doctors, et cetera. Too many pregnant women/girls hear, “Get an abortion,” instead of, “Let me help you.”

– Mark L. Chance.
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