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Where has the courage gone?
In Genesis 1, after creating inanimate forms of matter, God created lower forms of life and then created man and woman. He gave them the Garden of Eden, and told them to become one flesh (person), and to go forth and multiply. The nature of women’s bodies reveals her role in God’s plan - to be a fountain of new life, and to nurture that new life. Adam’s role was to protect (keep) the Garden, and make it fruitful. So Adam’s role was to protect, and provide for his spouse - the fountain of life, his children, and the Garden in general.
With original sin, Adam failed to protect anything when the serpent appeared. So what should have happened?
Christ said “This is my body, which is given up for you.” In other words, Christ, as the new Adam, gives us this example of what must sometimes be done. Man must sometimes sacrifice his own life in order to protect spouse and immediate family, and more generally others in the Garden.
I made this statement in an adult catechism class - “Man must be willing to provide for his spouse and family, and protect them even to the point of sacrificing his own life.” The class was overwhelmingly female, and I half expected some progressive thinking women to walk out in a huff while shouting “hey, we don’t need no stinkin help from men to protect ourselves…” Actually, no women walked out, 2 out of 3 men did, and none of the 3 came back for any more sessions. What the heck???
And a month ago we had the high school shooting episode where a single crazy person with a gun walked at will through the school killing people, and stopped only when his gun jammed. This was apparently a very large school (5000?) so you had probably a thousand or more prime age men on site, none of whom were willing to distract, divert, or attempt to disarm the assailant either alone or in a group. If the gun hadn’t jammed, everybody in the school could have been killed. Meanwhile, the highly trained police force waited outside for the shooting to stop before going in.
Ditto the Pulse nightclub shootings. A club with hundreds of prime age men, a single shooter, and nobody willing to take any sort of action except hiding in the bathrooms.
Even after Adam’s mishap, men retain some degree of the desire to protect. Witness all those unfortunate young boys helped by the Last Wish Foundation. What do they want? They want to be Batman. They want to be Superman. They want to be Fire Chief, or Police Chief. They want to save others. God bless them.
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Where has the courage gone?
In Genesis 1, after creating inanimate forms of matter, God created lower forms of life and then created man and woman. He gave them the Garden of Eden, and told them to become one flesh (person), and to go forth and multiply. The nature of women’s bodies reveals her role in God’s plan - to be a fountain of new life, and to nurture that new life. Adam’s role was to protect (keep) the Garden, and make it fruitful. So Adam’s role was to protect, and provide for his spouse - the fountain of life, his children, and the Garden in general.
With original sin, Adam failed to protect anything when the serpent appeared. So what should have happened?
Christ said “This is my body, which is given up for you.” In other words, Christ, as the new Adam, gives us this example of what must sometimes be done. Man must sometimes sacrifice his own life in order to protect spouse and immediate family, and more generally others in the Garden.
I made this statement in an adult catechism class - “Man must be willing to provide for his spouse and family, and protect them even to the point of sacrificing his own life.” The class was overwhelmingly female, and I half expected some progressive thinking women to walk out in a huff while shouting “hey, we don’t need no stinkin help from men to protect ourselves…” Actually, no women walked out, 2 out of 3 men did, and none of the 3 came back for any more sessions. What the heck???
And a month ago we had the high school shooting episode where a single crazy person with a gun walked at will through the school killing people, and stopped only when his gun jammed. This was apparently a very large school (5000?) so you had probably a thousand or more prime age men on site, none of whom were willing to distract, divert, or attempt to disarm the assailant either alone or in a group. If the gun hadn’t jammed, everybody in the school could have been killed. Meanwhile, the highly trained police force waited outside for the shooting to stop before going in.
Ditto the Pulse nightclub shootings. A club with hundreds of prime age men, a single shooter, and nobody willing to take any sort of action except hiding in the bathrooms.
Even after Adam’s mishap, men retain some degree of the desire to protect. Witness all those unfortunate young boys helped by the Last Wish Foundation. What do they want? They want to be Batman. They want to be Superman. They want to be Fire Chief, or Police Chief. They want to save others. God bless them.
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