The Right is Wrong

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The Religious Right has an overwhelming selective and distorted view of the Bible. Look at their disparate handling of a couple of issues: economic justice and abortion. In both the Old and New Testaments there is no mention that “abortion” was forbidden. There are many horrible and despicable acts which are explicitly condemned and/or forbidden, but not abortion.

In the days when both the Old and New Testaments were written, the Jewish community did not forbid abortion. The anti-choice Religious Right has simply made up an entire Biblical justification for their point of view based on conjecture that they have translated from a few Biblical passages.

I am not saying that they’re right, and I am not saying they’re wrong about abortion. What I am saying is that it is a little odd that these right-wing evangelicals have been expending extraordinary amounts of time and energy to ensure the forbidding of an act that is not explicitly forbidden in the Bible, but that they seem to spend comparably little time promoting the actions that they are unequivocally commanded to undertake: such as to save the hungry, the naked, the thirsty, and the sick as written in “Matthew 25:31-46” tells us and as the Old Testament repeatedly commands.

The Bible and Jesus say in an incredibly powerful oration; tells them to do, they do not do; but what Jesus never even asks them to do, that task they spend virtually all their time on! Why? It’s the bandwagon approach; let’s jump on the hot topic of the times, ride the wave and let the masses of people believe they are moral. Right-wing pseudo-Christians apparently think Christianity is defined as opposition to abortion, homosexuality and pre-marital sex – interestingly enough, three things Jesus never mentioned even once.

Right-wing pseudo-Christians might do well to spend more time reading and trying to implement the words of the Biblical prophets, than on conjuring up and seeking to enforce by writ of law a Christianity that doesn’t exist. This is a vehicle that the Religious Right uses to strengthen their narrow-minded cause. We have an administration that pushes the Religious Right’s agenda, saying they are pro-life also, seems strange that a pro-life administration has authorized and assisted in the deaths of approximately 25,000 Iraqi civilians. It also seems unimaginable that the world and the religious right can stand by and watch genocide take place before our eyes in Darfur. Yet it is even more unimaginable that the leader of the free world has done so little to intervene after he himself declared the atrocities genocide.

On another note, does God kill babies? Read these passages and think about it, Numbers 31:17, Deuteronomy 2:34, Deuteronomy 28:53, Samuel 15:3, 2 Kings 8:12, 2 Kings 15:16, Isaiah 13:16, Isaiah 13:18, Lamentations 2:20, Ezekiel 9:6, Hosea 9:14, Hosea 13:16, from these passages it appears so. The bible is neither antiabortion nor pro-life, but does provide a biblical basis for the real motivation behind the antiabortion religious crusade: hatred of women. The bible is anti-woman, blaming women for sin, demanding subservience, mandating a slave/master relationship to men, and demonstrating contempt and lack of compassion.

The antiabortion position does not demonstrate love for humanity, or compassion for real human beings. World Watch Institute statistics show that 50% of abortions worldwide are illegal and that at least 200,000 women die every year–and thousands more are hurt and maimed–from illegal or self-induced abortions. Unwanted pregnancies and complications from multiple pregnancies are a leading killer of women. Why do antiabortionists want North American women to join these ghastly mortality statistics? Every day around the world, more than 40,000 people, mostly children, die from starvation or malnutrition. We must protect and cherish the right to life of the already-born.
What does this have to do with Jehovah’s Witnesses?Anyway, Jesus says that what we do to the least of His people we do to Him. There’s no one as “least” as a totally defenseless and innocent unborn child. So when abortionsist shove scissors in the baby’s skull, a needle in his heart, and rip him from his mother’s womb, they are doing this to Jesus–and it’s being done millions of times a year.

Abortion is anti-woman. These women are psycologically scarred forever–never mind being turned into sex objects to be used and cast aside.

By the way, try reading the entire Bible. Your proof texting is just as bad as evangelicals.

First, this has nothing to do with the topic at hand, which is the beliefs of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Second, you are not a Bible scholar, so don’t pretend to know or understand any of the so-called “proof” texts that support the notion of God being cruel. You clearly no nothing of proper exegesis of the Holy Scriptures, so I advice you to consider reading all of the Bible before making such accusations.

Our God is love. He loves infinitely. Abortion means the termination of a human being, a human infused with the soul given by God. Within the womb of St. Elizabeth, St. John the Babtist leaped for joy for the Visitation of the Blessed Mother and her Son, filled with the Holy Spirit. Clearly, even before their births, Our Lord was Our Lord even still inside the womb, and John the Babtist recognized the incarnated God-Man. St. Gabriel said to the Virgin, “The Lord is with you”, not “the Lord will be with you 9 months from now, when you give birth”. Our Lord became man at the Annunciation. From the very moment of His conception, he was a human being.
Sorry, I couldn’t diagree with you more. I agree with the so-called “Right Wing” on their issues of morality. I disagree with some of their ideas about the Christian faith but in general I ADMIRE them for fighting for the unborn - HALF of which are WOMEN. You said the Bible doesn’t address abortion? How about THOU SHALL NOT KILL?? Abortion is killing a baby - plain and simple and those who do abortions commit murder.

You speak of the deaths caused by illegal abortions (not seeming to care that the babies die also) but yet you are critical against the “Right’s” no premarital sex rule. What do you think is causing all of those unwanted babies???

And while it’s noble that you encourage the right to life for the children living in poverty who are already born - it sounds so hollow when I consider that you would not have had a problem with someone killing them before they were born. EVERY life is of value. And a baby in the womb is a life. Oh you disagree? Then explain to me please what’s been kicking me all night? I know it’s my 17 week old BABY. Not a blob of tissue - a baby with ten tiny fingers and toes and a tiny beating heart - a heart that I saw beating at 6 weeks. So what - my baby is a baby because I want it? No - my baby is a baby because it was formed in my womb by it’s CREATOR.

And I can’t help but wonder - since you’ve identified yourself as an atheist, why do you quote the Bible and Jesus? Isn’t that a bit hypocritical??
Please sir (or ma’am) take a look at these points:
  1. Science proves that these are real human beings. Have you ever seen pictures of partial birth abortions, or even earlier abortions for that matter? Take a look at the following: Abortion Images (WARNING NOT FOR THE SQUEEMISH! THESE PHOTOS TEND TO BE QUITE HORRIBLE. This pictures made me cry. Also take a look at these: Fetal Development )
  2. Try reading ALL of Holy Scripture, instead of taking it soooooo out of context…
  3. Hmm… Maybe a look at the commandments? Perhaps number FIVE?
  4. Pro life being anti-woman??? Come on! Many medical studies have proven that abortion can be severely detrimental to a woman’s health!!!
And finally:
  1. TRY POSTING ON TOPIC! What does this have to do with JW’s???

PS: I think I’m gonna go take a long long walk now before the laptop goes flying across the room… 🙂
Well, the post does have some things in common with the JWs:
  1. poor exegesis
  2. rambling, disconnected arguments
  3. way off-topic
  4. failure to cite sources
  5. inherent contradictions
Why don’t you take a trip down to your local Project Rachel and tell the women there exactly what you just told us.
The Religious Right has an overwhelming selective and distorted view of the Bible. Look at their disparate handling of a couple of issues: economic justice and abortion. In both the Old and New Testaments there is no mention that “abortion” was forbidden. There are many horrible and despicable acts which are explicitly condemned and/or forbidden, but not abortion.
I don’t think Planned Parenthood clinics were around then, so abortion was not even a popular practice. There seems to be a commandment that you are missing, and that is Thou Shalt Not Kill.
In the days when both the Old and New Testaments were written, the Jewish community did not forbid abortion. The anti-choice Religious Right has simply made up an entire Biblical justification for their point of view based on conjecture that they have translated from a few Biblical passages.
Ok, you know what, the least you could do is call us “Pro-Life.” We give you the respect to call you “Pro-Choice.” The Bible does forbid making a woman miscarry. If a woman was physically assalted while pregnant and lost the baby, then the person responsible would be put to death because of the loss of life.
I am not saying that they’re right, and I am not saying they’re wrong about abortion.
What youre saying is that there are no absolutes therefore you buy into moral relevance. I feel sorry for you.
What I am saying is that it is a little odd that these right-wing evangelicals have been expending extraordinary amounts of time and energy to ensure the forbidding of an act that is not explicitly forbidden in the Bible, but that they seem to spend comparably little time promoting the actions that they are unequivocally commanded to undertake: such as to save the hungry, the naked, the thirsty, and the sick as written in “Matthew 25:31-46” tells us and as the Old Testament repeatedly commands.
See commandment #5.
The Bible and Jesus say in an incredibly powerful oration; tells them to do, they do not do; but what Jesus never even asks them to do, that task they spend virtually all their time on! Why?It’s the bandwagon approach; let’s jump on the hot topic of the times, ride the wave and let the masses of people believe they are moral. Right-wing pseudo-Christians apparently think Christianity is defined as opposition to abortion, homosexuality and pre-marital sex – interestingly enough, three things Jesus never mentioned even once.
Which Bible are you reading?
Right-wing pseudo-Christians might do well to spend more time reading and trying to implement the words of the Biblical prophets, than on conjuring up and seeking to enforce by writ of law a Christianity that doesn’t exist. This is a vehicle that the Religious Right uses to strengthen their narrow-minded cause. We have an administration that pushes the Religious Right’s agenda, saying they are pro-life also, seems strange that a pro-life administration has authorized and assisted in the deaths of approximately 25,000 Iraqi civilians.
How about the death of 4,000 babies EVERY SINGLE DAY??!! How do you rectify that? Babies have NO WAY to protect themselves at all.
It also seems unimaginable that the world and the religious right can stand by and watch genocide take place before our eyes in Darfur. Yet it is even more unimaginable that the leader of the free world has done so little to intervene after he himself declared the atrocities genocide.
We also witness genocide when innocent babies are killed for selfish reasons. It’s going on around you right now.
On another note, does God kill babies? Read these passages and think about it, Numbers 31:17, Deuteronomy 2:34, Deuteronomy 28:53, Samuel 15:3, 2 Kings 8:12, 2 Kings 15:16, Isaiah 13:16, Isaiah 13:18, Lamentations 2:20, Ezekiel 9:6, Hosea 9:14, Hosea 13:16, from these passages it appears so. The bible is neither antiabortion nor pro-life, but does provide a biblical basis for the real motivation behind the antiabortion religious crusade: hatred of women. The bible is anti-woman, blaming women for sin, demanding subservience, mandating a slave/master relationship to men, and demonstrating contempt and lack of compassion.
Ok, this is when I get angry at people who bring up the women hating BS. Men are also antagonists in the Bible. God punishes everyone who disobeys him, not just women. Take a look at the story of Cain, Onan, Jonah, Job (wasn’t really punished, but tested), and many many more. Take a look at the virtuous women like Mary, Mary Magdalen, and Elizabeth.

As for the subservience, if God wanted men and women to be the same then he would have created one sex. Women are not to be slaves to men, instead are partners. I accept that the man is the head of the household, but he practices this role with respect and reverence to his wife. There should not be a power struggle. Why don’t you fully examine the way women are treated now in our society. Are they any better off? They’re treated as sex objects more than ever. Contraception allows men to fully take advantage of them because there is not responsibility attached. They think they have sexual freedom, but how can one be free when you have to depend on a device and you have to be constantly worried about getting a disease or getting pregnant? That’s not freedom. Sexual freedom is freedom from sex. Try abstinence. Not having to worry about getting an STD or conceiving an unwanted baby. Getting your goals accomplished in your life with out having to remember to take a pill, or buying pregnancy tests when your period is late. I choose abstinence. I look at my friends who are sexually active and they pay an arm and a leg for their pills, they have to go to get tested for STDs when they get a new “partner” and some even have female problems like urinary tract infections from sexual activity.
The antiabortion position does not demonstrate love for humanity, or compassion for real human beings.
I always thought that NOT killing a human was compassionate. Talk to women who have had past abortions and see what they tell you about how the abortion mill treated them. I can assure you it was not with compassion.
World Watch Institute statistics show that 50% of abortions worldwide are illegal and that at least 200,000 women die every year–and thousands more are hurt and maimed–from illegal or self-induced abortions.
Scare tactics.
Unwanted pregnancies and complications from multiple pregnancies are a leading killer of women.
The number one killer of women is heart disease.
Why do antiabortionists want North American women to join these ghastly mortality statistics? Every day around the world, more than 40,000 people, mostly children, die from starvation or malnutrition. We must protect and cherish the right to life of the already-born.
These stats you cite are not due to overpopulation but to bad economic policies and greedy war lords in certain African countries, and other countries around the world. Look at how overweight Americans are, do you really think there is a shortage of food?
Dear friends

One post, a single post this member has made and in this one post they have grasped at straws to justify death and murder.

Pro-choice. What is the choice? To kill or not to kill, that is the choice. To take human life or to protect and nurture it. That is the choice.

The evil you state of women dying from illegal abortions cannot and never will justify abortions, it is a further evil piled on top of an already abohrent evil.

Abortion is the greatest poverty in the world. It is a mirror held up to the lack of charity, mercy and kindness people offer to each other. If communities supported pregnant women this fear and desperation they feel they face would not be an obstacle to them in their hearts. We are all guilty to some extent for the women rushing to abortion clinics. We have formed a society of the self and made the innocent, victims of the selfish.

There but for the grace of God go I. I am not a murdered aborted child, neither is anyone else here. The blood of those babies must scream out from heaven for justice.

You want to talk about choice! Ask those children, who died at the hands of their parents, what choice they had!

You want a Bible verse? I’ll give you a Bible verse ‘I knew you before I knit you together in your mother’s womb’

The innocent always suffer.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I don’t think you have your facts or your Bible quite right, apfire. For instance, “better for him to have a millstone round his neck,” and all that. “Let the little ones come to me,” does NOT mean send them to heaven via the knife!

Being narrowminded has become a pejorative term, used for a person who is sticking to what he or she believes. If you weren’t calling us narrowminded, you’d be saying we were wishy-washy, fence-sitters, mugwumps… you name it. It’s like the media and the president - if he isn’t at war, they call him a peacenik who is collaborating with Saddam to wipe out innocents. If he doesn’t put his foot in his mouth, they call him too slick. If he lands definitely on one side of an issue, they call him biased, opinionated, prejudiced, narrowminded and a host of other things. If he doesn’t, he’s a wishy-washy fence-sitter.

What I’m saying is it’s better to be insulted as narrowminded than as wishy-washy. At least for me.
Wow! I haven’t seen a frankenstein monster of a post before. Apfire, did you forget to CITE YOUR SOURCES??
The Religious Right has an overwhelming selective and distorted view of the Bible. Look at their disparate handling of a couple of issues: economic justice and abortion. In both the Old and New Testaments there is no mention that “abortion” was forbidden. There are many horrible and despicable acts which are explicitly condemned and/or forbidden, but not abortion.

In the days when both the Old and New Testaments were written, the Jewish community did not forbid abortion. The anti-choice Religious Right has simply made up an entire Biblical justification for their point of view based on conjecture that they have translated from a few Biblical passages.

I am not saying that they’re right, and I am not saying they’re wrong about abortion. What I am saying is that it is a little odd that these right-wing evangelicals have been expending extraordinary amounts of time and energy to ensure the forbidding of an act that is not explicitly forbidden in the Bible, but that they seem to spend comparably little time promoting the actions that they are unequivocally commanded to undertake: such as to save the hungry, the naked, the thirsty, and the sick as written in “Matthew 25:31-46” tells us and as the Old Testament repeatedly commands.

The Bible and Jesus say in an incredibly powerful oration; tells them to do, they do not do; but what Jesus never even asks them to do, that task they spend virtually all their time on! Why? It’s the bandwagon approach; let’s jump on the hot topic of the times, ride the wave and let the masses of people believe they are moral. Right-wing pseudo-Christians apparently think Christianity is defined as opposition to abortion, homosexuality and pre-marital sex – interestingly enough, three things Jesus never mentioned even once.

Right-wing pseudo-Christians might do well to spend more time reading and trying to implement the words of the Biblical prophets, than on conjuring up and seeking to enforce by writ of law a Christianity that doesn’t exist.
Is taken, almost word for word, but with a few minor changes from

Of course Apfire might have written that essay. . .but I doubt it. Because this the next part of his post:
On another note, does God kill babies? Read these passages and think about it, Numbers 31:17, Deuteronomy 2:34, Deuteronomy 28:53, Samuel 15:3, 2 Kings 8:12, 2 Kings 15:16, Isaiah 13:16, Isaiah 13:18, Lamentations 2:20, Ezekiel 9:6, Hosea 9:14, Hosea 13:16, from these passages it appears so. The bible is neither antiabortion nor pro-life, but does provide a biblical basis for the real motivation behind the antiabortion religious crusade: hatred of women. The bible is anti-woman, blaming women for sin, demanding subservience, mandating a slave/master relationship to men, and demonstrating contempt and lack of compassion.

The antiabortion position does not demonstrate love for humanity, or compassion for real human beings. World Watch Institute statistics show that 50% of abortions worldwide are illegal and that at least 200,000 women die every year–and thousands more are hurt and maimed–from illegal or self-induced abortions. Unwanted pregnancies and complications from multiple pregnancies are a leading killer of women. Why do antiabortionists want North American women to join these ghastly mortality statistics? Every day around the world, more than 40,000 people, mostly children, die from starvation or malnutrition. We must protect and cherish the right to life of the already-born.
is taken directly from

The best part is that Apfire introduce this part of his post with “On another note” . . .:rolleyes:

Apfire – please. If you want to discuss issues just discuss issues, don’t plagarize your whole post from two different websites and cobble them together. I suppose you may be the original author of both sections of both websites, but I seriously doubt it. C’mon! You don’t do yourself or your position any good by using this tactic!! And someone (like me) might catch you. :tsktsk:
What a ludicrous argument.

So does the “left” have trouble reading “You Shall Not Kill” in the Bible?

Should rape be legal as there is no explicit “you shall not rape” command?
Verbum Caro:
Wow! I haven’t seen a frankenstein monster of a post before. Apfire, did you forget to CITE YOUR SOURCES??

Is taken, almost word for word, but with a few minor changes from

Of course Apfire might have written that essay. . .but I doubt it. Because this the next part of his post:

is taken directly from

The best part is that Apfire introduce this part of his post with “On another note” . . .:rolleyes:

Apfire – please. If you want to discuss issues just discuss issues, don’t plagarize your whole post from two different websites and cobble them together. I suppose you may be the original author of both sections of both websites, but I seriously doubt it. C’mon! You don’t do yourself or your position any good by using this tactic!! And someone (like me) might catch you. :tsktsk:
GOOD WORK Verbum Cario !!!

If you are going to print your thoughts… please, at least have them be YOUR thoughts. In addition to Thou shall not kill, the Bible also says Thou shall not steal.
The Religious Right has an overwhelming selective and distorted view of the Bible. Look at their disparate handling of a couple of issues: economic justice and abortion. In both the Old and New Testaments there is no mention that “abortion” was forbidden. There are many horrible and despicable acts which are explicitly condemned and/or forbidden, but not abortion.

In the days when both the Old and New Testaments were written, the Jewish community did not forbid abortion. The anti-choice Religious Right has simply made up an entire Biblical justification for their point of view based on conjecture that they have translated from a few Biblical passages.

I am not saying that they’re right, and I am not saying they’re wrong about abortion. What I am saying is that it is a little odd that these right-wing evangelicals have been expending extraordinary amounts of time and energy to ensure the forbidding of an act that is not explicitly forbidden in the Bible, but that they seem to spend comparably little time promoting the actions that they are unequivocally commanded to undertake: such as to save the hungry, the naked, the thirsty, and the sick as written in “Matthew 25:31-46” tells us and as the Old Testament repeatedly commands.

The Bible and Jesus say in an incredibly powerful oration; tells them to do, they do not do; but what Jesus never even asks them to do, that task they spend virtually all their time on! Why? It’s the bandwagon approach; let’s jump on the hot topic of the times, ride the wave and let the masses of people believe they are moral. Right-wing pseudo-Christians apparently think Christianity is defined as opposition to abortion, homosexuality and pre-marital sex – interestingly enough, three things Jesus never mentioned even once.

Right-wing pseudo-Christians might do well to spend more time reading and trying to implement the words of the Biblical prophets, than on conjuring up and seeking to enforce by writ of law a Christianity that doesn’t exist. This is a vehicle that the Religious Right uses to strengthen their narrow-minded cause. We have an administration that pushes the Religious Right’s agenda, saying they are pro-life also, seems strange that a pro-life administration has authorized and assisted in the deaths of approximately 25,000 Iraqi civilians. It also seems unimaginable that the world and the religious right can stand by and watch genocide take place before our eyes in Darfur. Yet it is even more unimaginable that the leader of the free world has done so little to intervene after he himself declared the atrocities genocide.

On another note, does God kill babies? Read these passages and think about it, Numbers 31:17, Deuteronomy 2:34, Deuteronomy 28:53, Samuel 15:3, 2 Kings 8:12, 2 Kings 15:16, Isaiah 13:16, Isaiah 13:18, Lamentations 2:20, Ezekiel 9:6, Hosea 9:14, Hosea 13:16, from these passages it appears so. The bible is neither antiabortion nor pro-life, but does provide a biblical basis for the real motivation behind the antiabortion religious crusade: hatred of women. The bible is anti-woman, blaming women for sin, demanding subservience, mandating a slave/master relationship to men, and demonstrating contempt and lack of compassion.

The antiabortion position does not demonstrate love for humanity, or compassion for real human beings. World Watch Institute statistics show that 50% of abortions worldwide are illegal and that at least 200,000 women die every year–and thousands more are hurt and maimed–from illegal or self-induced abortions. Unwanted pregnancies and complications from multiple pregnancies are a leading killer of women. Why do antiabortionists want North American women to join these ghastly mortality statistics? Every day around the world, more than 40,000 people, mostly children, die from starvation or malnutrition. We must protect and cherish the right to life of the already-born.
Last time I looked the 10 Commandments were part of the OT. I think there is one in there regarding killing. :rolleyes: And you are way off - there are writings forbidding abortion going back at least 2000 years, so it is not the current religious right that came up with this.

And by my authority I suggest all atheists (seeing as you have no purpose in life) take your own life for the sake of others. :banghead:
Dear friends

One post, a single post this member has made and in this one post they have grasped at straws to justify death and murder.

Pro-choice. What is the choice? To kill or not to kill, that is the choice. To take human life or to protect and nurture it. That is the choice.

The evil you state of women dying from illegal abortions cannot and never will justify abortions, it is a further evil piled on top of an already abohrent evil.

Abortion is the greatest poverty in the world. It is a mirror held up to the lack of charity, mercy and kindness people offer to each other. If communities supported pregnant women this fear and desperation they feel they face would not be an obstacle to them in their hearts. We are all guilty to some extent for the women rushing to abortion clinics. We have formed a society of the self and made the innocent, victims of the selfish.

There but for the grace of God go I. I am not a murdered aborted child, neither is anyone else here. The blood of those babies must scream out from heaven for justice.

You want to talk about choice! Ask those children, who died at the hands of their parents, what choice they had!

You want a Bible verse? I’ll give you a Bible verse ‘I knew you before I knit you together in your mother’s womb’

The innocent always suffer.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Pro-choice - the convenient legal choice a woman wants to murder her unborn human baby. aka = pro-death
Yes some of the info was taken from a website with permission from the owner of that site, Religion has and is causing many of the worlds problerms. The bible is not the word of god, but of man, inspired ya right.
Yes some of the info was taken from a website with permission from the owner of that site, Religion has and is causing many of the worlds problerms. The bible is not the word of god, but of man, inspired ya right.
Religion does not cause wars just like guns don’t kill people. People and their failings cause war.
Oh, oh, I get it. This thread was moved from the JW sub-folder, right?

“inspired ya right” Is this supposed to read, “Inspired ya, right?”, meaning this is inspiring or, “Inspired? Yeah right!” as in you do not believe that the Bible is inspired? I could not tell with your lack of capititalization, spelling, and grammar.
Grace & Peace!

Just some interesting things to note re: abortion in the OT–the Talmud does not consider the fetus a human–it considers it a potential human and so values it as such. For instance, it places the preservation of the life of actual humans before the life of potential humans–a mother whose life is endangered because of a pregnancy would, in this way, be able to lawfully obtain an abortion. Or a mother who has a nursing child who may put that child’s health in danger by becoming pregnant (the possibility of the milk drying up) can have an abortion. Some interpreters would see the well-being of the actual human involved as paramount, so even psychological distress or distress attending a rape would be grounds for an abortion.

Still, the Talmud does not even apply the idea of a potential human to the fetus until after the 40th day, before which, it is said, the fetus is only water. The reasoning behind this is, apparently, that God formed man out of clay, not water, and that the fetus becomes a potential human only when organs become visible.

You can also look to Rashi, who states that the fetus before birth is like the mother’s thigh, which asserts that the fetus is part of the mother, not its own thing–which goes back to the OT which, when discussing the sale of a pregnant cow, states that the future calf is the property of the new owner of the pregnant cow because the calf belongs to the cow and the cow is owned by another.

It also speaks to the place in the OT in which a man who strikes a woman and causes a miscarriage or the death of the fetus is liable for a payment of damages to the husband, but a man who strikes a pregnant woman and kills her may be liable for execution.

Still, we must also remember that abortion as a form of birth control was probably not something considered by the authors or compilers of the Talmud and would probably be roundly condemned. Still, its attitudes toward the developing fetus are interesting to consider.

Under the Mercy,

Deo Gratias!
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