The Religious Right has an overwhelming selective and distorted view of the Bible. Look at their disparate handling of a couple of issues: economic justice and abortion. In both the Old and New Testaments there is no mention that “abortion” was forbidden. There are many horrible and despicable acts which are explicitly condemned and/or forbidden, but not abortion.
In the days when both the Old and New Testaments were written, the Jewish community did not forbid abortion. The anti-choice Religious Right has simply made up an entire Biblical justification for their point of view based on conjecture that they have translated from a few Biblical passages.
I am not saying that they’re right, and I am not saying they’re wrong about abortion. What I am saying is that it is a little odd that these right-wing evangelicals have been expending extraordinary amounts of time and energy to ensure the forbidding of an act that is not explicitly forbidden in the Bible, but that they seem to spend comparably little time promoting the actions that they are unequivocally commanded to undertake: such as to save the hungry, the naked, the thirsty, and the sick as written in “Matthew 25:31-46” tells us and as the Old Testament repeatedly commands.
The Bible and Jesus say in an incredibly powerful oration; tells them to do, they do not do; but what Jesus never even asks them to do, that task they spend virtually all their time on! Why? It’s the bandwagon approach; let’s jump on the hot topic of the times, ride the wave and let the masses of people believe they are moral. Right-wing pseudo-Christians apparently think Christianity is defined as opposition to abortion, homosexuality and pre-marital sex – interestingly enough, three things Jesus never mentioned even once.
Right-wing pseudo-Christians might do well to spend more time reading and trying to implement the words of the Biblical prophets, than on conjuring up and seeking to enforce by writ of law a Christianity that doesn’t exist. This is a vehicle that the Religious Right uses to strengthen their narrow-minded cause. We have an administration that pushes the Religious Right’s agenda, saying they are pro-life also, seems strange that a pro-life administration has authorized and assisted in the deaths of approximately 25,000 Iraqi civilians. It also seems unimaginable that the world and the religious right can stand by and watch genocide take place before our eyes in Darfur. Yet it is even more unimaginable that the leader of the free world has done so little to intervene after he himself declared the atrocities genocide.
On another note, does God kill babies? Read these passages and think about it, Numbers 31:17, Deuteronomy 2:34, Deuteronomy 28:53, Samuel 15:3, 2 Kings 8:12, 2 Kings 15:16, Isaiah 13:16, Isaiah 13:18, Lamentations 2:20, Ezekiel 9:6, Hosea 9:14, Hosea 13:16, from these passages it appears so. The bible is neither antiabortion nor pro-life, but does provide a biblical basis for the real motivation behind the antiabortion religious crusade: hatred of women. The bible is anti-woman, blaming women for sin, demanding subservience, mandating a slave/master relationship to men, and demonstrating contempt and lack of compassion.
The antiabortion position does not demonstrate love for humanity, or compassion for real human beings. World Watch Institute statistics show that 50% of abortions worldwide are illegal and that at least 200,000 women die every year–and thousands more are hurt and maimed–from illegal or self-induced abortions. Unwanted pregnancies and complications from multiple pregnancies are a leading killer of women. Why do antiabortionists want North American women to join these ghastly mortality statistics? Every day around the world, more than 40,000 people, mostly children, die from starvation or malnutrition. We must protect and cherish the right to life of the already-born.
In the days when both the Old and New Testaments were written, the Jewish community did not forbid abortion. The anti-choice Religious Right has simply made up an entire Biblical justification for their point of view based on conjecture that they have translated from a few Biblical passages.
I am not saying that they’re right, and I am not saying they’re wrong about abortion. What I am saying is that it is a little odd that these right-wing evangelicals have been expending extraordinary amounts of time and energy to ensure the forbidding of an act that is not explicitly forbidden in the Bible, but that they seem to spend comparably little time promoting the actions that they are unequivocally commanded to undertake: such as to save the hungry, the naked, the thirsty, and the sick as written in “Matthew 25:31-46” tells us and as the Old Testament repeatedly commands.
The Bible and Jesus say in an incredibly powerful oration; tells them to do, they do not do; but what Jesus never even asks them to do, that task they spend virtually all their time on! Why? It’s the bandwagon approach; let’s jump on the hot topic of the times, ride the wave and let the masses of people believe they are moral. Right-wing pseudo-Christians apparently think Christianity is defined as opposition to abortion, homosexuality and pre-marital sex – interestingly enough, three things Jesus never mentioned even once.
Right-wing pseudo-Christians might do well to spend more time reading and trying to implement the words of the Biblical prophets, than on conjuring up and seeking to enforce by writ of law a Christianity that doesn’t exist. This is a vehicle that the Religious Right uses to strengthen their narrow-minded cause. We have an administration that pushes the Religious Right’s agenda, saying they are pro-life also, seems strange that a pro-life administration has authorized and assisted in the deaths of approximately 25,000 Iraqi civilians. It also seems unimaginable that the world and the religious right can stand by and watch genocide take place before our eyes in Darfur. Yet it is even more unimaginable that the leader of the free world has done so little to intervene after he himself declared the atrocities genocide.
On another note, does God kill babies? Read these passages and think about it, Numbers 31:17, Deuteronomy 2:34, Deuteronomy 28:53, Samuel 15:3, 2 Kings 8:12, 2 Kings 15:16, Isaiah 13:16, Isaiah 13:18, Lamentations 2:20, Ezekiel 9:6, Hosea 9:14, Hosea 13:16, from these passages it appears so. The bible is neither antiabortion nor pro-life, but does provide a biblical basis for the real motivation behind the antiabortion religious crusade: hatred of women. The bible is anti-woman, blaming women for sin, demanding subservience, mandating a slave/master relationship to men, and demonstrating contempt and lack of compassion.
The antiabortion position does not demonstrate love for humanity, or compassion for real human beings. World Watch Institute statistics show that 50% of abortions worldwide are illegal and that at least 200,000 women die every year–and thousands more are hurt and maimed–from illegal or self-induced abortions. Unwanted pregnancies and complications from multiple pregnancies are a leading killer of women. Why do antiabortionists want North American women to join these ghastly mortality statistics? Every day around the world, more than 40,000 people, mostly children, die from starvation or malnutrition. We must protect and cherish the right to life of the already-born.