I am not justifying abortion, I do not believe in abortion either. I do believe that people have a right to choose their own destiny and that I do not have the right to force my values on others, nor should others have the right to force their values on me. Every situation is different for different people. The issue should lie between God and that person.
Unfortunately, I do believe in abortion. It is a very real and terrible occurance of legalized murder that horrifies me.
And to say that you are not justifying abortion is, frankly, absured. Don’t take this as hatred or anger. I can tell you are offended easily, so I will tread carefully.
By you saying that people have the right to kill the babies that they made, you are in fact trying (unsuccessfully) to justify abortion.
Look at it this way: If someone breaks into your house and tries to kill you, you wouldn’t say, “Well, I don’t want to die, but I don’t want to force my morals onto this person. If he wants to kill me, that’s between him and God.” Naturally, you would fight back.
Now what if you were disabled so that you could not successfully fight back? What if there was a neighbor who happened to walk by your house and see you in trouble? Should he say, “I don’t want to force my morals onto anybody!”? Of course not. He should defend your life because you can’t. At the very least, I’m sure you’d expect him to call the police.
Now you have a friend who tells you she is going to have an abortion. The baby can’t defend itself, but you can defend the baby. Forgetting God, forgetting morals, forgetting religion, it comes down to do you close your eyes and walk away while your disabled neighbor gets killed?
Spending your life walking away with your eyeshut makes for a very sorry life. But I have to say, at least you got the chance to live yours, wasted as you may chose to make it. Clearly someone loved you enough to let you live. Couldn’t you return the favor?