The Rosary

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yeah, i thought the quote meant that the pope (adrian) thought the rosary was from the devil. i see what the quote means now, but with what i thought it meant i was confused as to why you put it on here since you seem very catholic. by the term “valid” i wasn’t thinking it’s a sacrament, i was wondering if there was opposition to people praying the rosary. have there been or are there now catholics who are against praying the rosary? it isn’t a doctrine of the church just as all visions and appearances of mary don’t have to be believed by catholics so is there a voice in the church which is against the rosary and the visions?
I had never seen anyone “do the Rosary”. It was a new experience for me.
To be honest and to put it bluntly…it freaked me out. I just don’t understand why so much emphasis is put on Mary. Even if I believed in praying the Hail Mary…I would still be uneasy about how often it is said in proportion to the amount of time spent praying to the Holy Trinity.

I understand your initial reaction to seeing this. I felt the same way the first time I visited a Greek Orthodox Mass – strangely beautiful.

It seems that your questions center on the “emphasis on Mary” and the “benefit of repitition”.

From my own experience:
  1. Every decade draws me deeper into contemplation regarding His Passion. I am usually sorry to run out at 5 decades.
  2. The devil creates a bit of static in the world. This is my way of cutting through the static/noise.
  3. Mary is wonderful and devoted to us. She guides all to her son, and she stays his righteous judgement. She is a help for those who do not feel worthy of approaching God in their daily sin.
  4. The Our Father takes on new meaning. I don’t know why.
  5. The power of the Rosary over sin is real and immediate.
I am really delighted that I have devoted time to this prayer and enjoyed its mysteries.

Take care,
These are wonderful! Now how about The Luminous Mysteries!🙂
You asked, and I will give you a little look at what they mean to me there are many others that can add to this list with better words than mine, and I must caution I have used the scripture verses that I enjoy, they are not the only ones that can be applied to the mysteries. God Bless and I hope you enjoy.

The mysteries of light
  • The Baptism in the Jordan Mt 3:17 for respect. Look at the Lord of all creation how he submits to the fathers will, and allows for himself to be baptized. Oh lord may I learn to walk in your foot steps and to set aside my pride and follow you.
  • The Wedding at Cana Jn 2:1-12 To follow him. The story sets my heart afire he shows that he will answer prayers, He shows His love for us in providing the best, and my Mother tells me what it is I need to do. “Do whatever he tells you”.
  • The Proclamation of the Kingdom Mk. 1:15 Repentance. We must turn away from the old we must allow ourselves to be changed by Him, How by doing all he has told us. Yes there is work to be done here but my Lord and my God has given me all I need to do the work that is required of me.
  • The transfiguration Lk 9:35 To believe, think of the number of time that doubt has come into my mind (Lord I believe help me in my unbelief). This is my God he knows I am weak and allows me to see not only his glory but a glimpse of the union we will have with Him in heaven. Thank you Lord for a future forever with you.
  • The Institution of the Eucharist John 6, John 13. So many places for this truth, but for the virtue of Humility again. Here He is the God of all creation nothing that is can ever have been without Him. Yet in spite of this He Gives us His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in order that we may be one with Him. Oh My Lord you know me so well you know I am weak, so you give of me All of you so that in my time of need there you always are. Thank you Lord for the gift of You.

I don’t want to get into the whole “Roman Catholics worship Mary!” type of thing. Those kinds of disscussions are niether beneficial nor constructive.

However, I was watching EWTN today…and there was a small program about the Rosary. I had never seen anyone “do the Rosary”. It was a new experience for me.

To be honest and to put it bluntly…it freaked me out. I just don’t understand why so much emphasis is put on Mary. Even if I believed in praying the Hail Mary…I would still be uneasy about how often it is said in proportion to the amount of time spent praying to the Holy Trinity.

Hi there:

How are you? I am not a RC but must admit I like the Rosary. The repetitions at first were a little odd but the Mysteries to meditate on are wonderful and take you through the Life of Christ. There’s is also a Scriptural version of the Rosary that is very nice.

The “Holy Mary Mother of God…”. was not always part of the Rosary but a rather recent addition. Previously it was just the salutations of…Gabriel and Elizabeth, which are just verses from the Bible…one could just say these and still benefit from the meditation.


yeah, i thought the quote meant that the pope (adrian) thought the rosary was from the devil. i see what the quote means now, but with what i thought it meant i was confused as to why you put it on here since you seem very catholic. by the term “valid” i wasn’t thinking it’s a sacrament, i was wondering if there was opposition to people praying the rosary. have there been or are there now catholics who are against praying the rosary? it isn’t a doctrine of the church just as all visions and appearances of mary don’t have to be believed by catholics so is there a voice in the church which is against the rosary and the visions?
Bengal Fan, the rosary is a traditional form of prayer and meditation in the Western (Latin or Roman Rite) Church. Eastern Catholics are welcome to pray it, and many do, but it is not part of their spirituality, as a general rule. It’s a cultural thing.

Why would anyone be opposed to a meditative prayer contemplating the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? I know of no Catholics who oppose it. Some don’t include it in their spirituality, which is fine. No Catholic is required to pray the rosary. It’s just that many of us find it helpful.

So do some Protestants, BTW. They leave out the Catholic meditations and pray those they’re comfortable with.

The history of the Rosary can be found in many books. For a full treatment of the subject, I recommend Rosary, Mysteries, Meditations, and the Telling of the Beads by Kevin Orlin Johnson, Ph.D., Pangaeus Press, Dallas.

On line, read all about it at

Ave Cor Mariae, Jay

I have an idea, why not take the Mysteries of the Rosary, the scriptures of Christ’s life and try to meditate on them. Take 5 minutes to think on one mystery. 5 minutes contemplating Christ’s agony in the garden , 5 minutes on just the agony. Don’t say the Hail Mary’s, just do the contemplation. Unless you are a super prayer warrior, you will probably find your mind wandering. Try using one of your favorite Bible verses that you know well and have memerized. Do the contemplation again repeating your favorite Bible verse. Most people will find they were able to concentrate better using a “background” noise.

God Bless
one thing i alway am intrigues me… that is how bent out of shape people get when they know not what they speak…

why would you “freak out” about people saying prayers… do you freak out when you see other faiths saying prayers… do you freak out at everything you know little or nothing about… do yourself a favor, read a little, listen a little… with the internet at your fingertips there shouldn’t be any need to freak out… you will really be ok…

peace… 👍
That’s why I think Mango has posted some of his concerns. I know if I did not know about the internal contemplation of Christ’s life it might freak me out that people claiming to be Christian are involved in that kind of activity. Unless you are Catholic, the understanding of the Body of Christ is much more limited and does not include those who are no longer living on this earth, (at least not in an active way.) Hopefully, Mango will try the contemplation of Christ’s life, death and ressurectionon his own (using his own Bible scripture at first), and be able to view the reciting of the rosary much differently in the future.

God Bless

I don’t want to get into the whole “Roman Catholics worship Mary!” type of thing. Those kinds of disscussions are niether beneficial nor constructive.

However, I was watching EWTN today…and there was a small program about the Rosary. I had never seen anyone “do the Rosary”. It was a new experience for me.

To be honest and to put it bluntly…it freaked me out. I just don’t understand why so much emphasis is put on Mary. Even if I believed in praying the Hail Mary…I would still be uneasy about how often it is said in proportion to the amount of time spent praying to the Holy Trinity.

We also say the OUR FATHER when we pray the Rosary, the apostles creed, the prayer of Fatima,Glorybe,hail Holy Queen,and a prayer after the Rosary “Oh God who’s only begotton son etc:
Giving honour to Mary is giving glory to God !!! As the angel said to Mary"behold the handmaid of the lord”----------her reply"be it done unto me according to thy word".
yeah, i thought the quote meant that the pope (adrian) thought the rosary was from the devil. i see what the quote means now, but with what i thought it meant i was confused as to why you put it on here since you seem very catholic. by the term “valid” i wasn’t thinking it’s a sacrament, i was wondering if there was opposition to people praying the rosary. have there been or are there now catholics who are against praying the rosary? it isn’t a doctrine of the church just as all visions and appearances of mary don’t have to be believed by catholics so is there a voice in the church which is against the rosary and the visions?
Actually, there is a small group of people against the rosary. They feel that it is a impediment to true dialog between the Christian groups. I should also point out that these people tend to be against everything else we teach. This include marriage as one man and one woman, no homosexual acts, and all of the other teachings of the Church. As others have posted, it is not a requirment of the faith. I think of it in a similar way to saying grace before a meal. No one will go to hell for not doing it, and no one will make it to heaven just because they did it, but it is still a good thing for the soul.

I don’t want to get into the whole “Roman Catholics worship Mary!” type of thing. Those kinds of disscussions are niether beneficial nor constructive.

However, I was watching EWTN today…and there was a small program about the Rosary. I had never seen anyone “do the Rosary”. It was a new experience for me.

To be honest and to put it bluntly…it freaked me out. I just don’t understand why so much emphasis is put on Mary. Even if I believed in praying the Hail Mary…I would still be uneasy about how often it is said in proportion to the amount of time spent praying to the Holy Trinity.

The Rosary is all about the life of Jesus, and as such, all about the Holy Trinity. For brevity’s sake, I’ll mention only the first of the Joyful Mysteries. In this Mystery, we meditate on the Archangel Gabriel announcing the plan of the Holy Trinity, involving Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Gabriel’s words to Mary were God sent and chosen by the Father. At Mary’s “Fiat”, it is the Holy Spirit that over-shadows her and Jesus who then takes form within her virginal womb. That Ave Maria, pronounced by an angel, was not limited to a moment in Nazareth some 2000 years ago. If we repeat those words 50 times or so in a recitation of the Rosary or 50 billion times, we have not come close to what God has spoken with its eternal ring throughout eternity. I think we are not worthy but privileged to add our small “amen”; imitation being the sincerest form of compliment.
space ghost:
one thing i alway am intrigues me… that is how bent out of shape people get when they know not what they speak…
I’m not bent out of shape buddy. Just curious.
why would you “freak out” about people saying prayers… do you freak out when you see other faiths saying prayers… do you freak out at everything you know little or nothing about… do yourself a favor, read a little, listen a little… with the internet at your fingertips there shouldn’t be any need to freak out… you will really be ok…

peace… 👍
Forgive me, as I do not see this as being constructive at all. I’m curious, that’s all. It’s wierd to me to see believers in Christ chanting and Hailing Mary. I chose to ask a question to try to understand it. No…I don’t freak out at everything i know little or nothing about…instead I ask questions to change that.

I’m OK man…although I would ask that we could keep a more civil tone in discussion. Thanks!

Hi there:

How are you? I am not a RC but must admit I like the Rosary. The repetitions at first were a little odd but the Mysteries to meditate on are wonderful and take you through the Life of Christ. There’s is also a Scriptural version of the Rosary that is very nice.

The “Holy Mary Mother of God…”. was not always part of the Rosary but a rather recent addition. Previously it was just the salutations of…Gabriel and Elizabeth, which are just verses from the Bible…one could just say these and still benefit from the meditation.


Hmmmm…interesting suggestion.

I might have to do that. Sounds like it could be good. I don’t have a Rosary though.

Hmmmm…interesting suggestion.

I might have to do that. Sounds like it could be good. I don’t have a Rosary though.

I have found the Rosary helpful in framing the week meditating on the life of Christ . It is not all there is to prayer but a good foundation for it. If you can read the Scripture passages that refer to the mysteries it is even better still from my experience.

You can get a rosary at any catholic book store or church. There is also an Anglican Rosary but in my opinion, the RC version is nicer…!

Prayer to Mary or the saints I have not found to be essential in the meditation of the Rosary for me as a non-RC.


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