You could similarly say that an astronomer does not care whether or not knowing that the universe is expanding will ever be useful for any practical purpose outside of astronomy or cosmology. However, it would be strange to say that an astronomer “simply participates in a wonderful and complex mind game.” What the astronomer studies is real. So we again have the question of what you believe and what you are claiming about mathematics.He does not care if those theorems will ever be useful for any purpose, he simply participates in a wonderful and complex mind game.
I should have explained more clearly why I compared a definition of medicine with your statement about what mathematics is. It is incorrect to identify mathematics with a tool, technique, construction, etc that is used in mathematics, just as it would be incorrect to define medicine as the art of listening to the beating of a heart with a stethoscope, while wearing a white coat. The problem here is not that we need to expand beyond a stethoscope and list a wide variety of instruments that doctors use. We should not list any instruments.
You could try to define astronomy as a subject area that uses telescopes to study the expanding universe. However, astronomy existed long before astronomers reached the conclusion that the universe is expanding. Astronomy existed before the telescope was invented.