Before eating the apple, they couldn’t evaluate any situation because everything was good. Adam and Eve were naked before God and they were not ashamed.
After the sin they were ashamed before God but not of one another.
They knew and understood that God created everything, and they knew they have to listen to Him. What did “death” mean to them before the sin? Probably only disappearance, without any suffering.
I think that after they ate the apple, there was a moral sense of their actions, displaying your nakedness is good only towards the person you have sex with, thus they felt the need to hide from God. I also think that the evaluation of a situation is different from calculating ends: if they were to calculate, they would have thought that nothing would happen anyway. Protecting your nakedness is one of the first things somebody learns it is good. Do not touch that because it is painful, is a little bit different, it is very concrete.
After the sin they were ashamed before God but not of one another.
They knew and understood that God created everything, and they knew they have to listen to Him. What did “death” mean to them before the sin? Probably only disappearance, without any suffering.
I think that after they ate the apple, there was a moral sense of their actions, displaying your nakedness is good only towards the person you have sex with, thus they felt the need to hide from God. I also think that the evaluation of a situation is different from calculating ends: if they were to calculate, they would have thought that nothing would happen anyway. Protecting your nakedness is one of the first things somebody learns it is good. Do not touch that because it is painful, is a little bit different, it is very concrete.