To be fair, the laity who want bishops to excommunicate them are not the ones voting for them. Bishops are supposed to be shepherds–the laity are the sheep. Large numbers of straying sheep is an indictment of the quality of the shepherding. The problem is, Pope John explicitly decided to give the Church a new approach at Vatican II, one without condemnations or anathemas, one that essentially decided to lay down the shepherd’s crook–there has been little to no discipline and a complete lack of anything appearing “negative” since and the consequences have been devastating–the shepherds provide little defense from the wolves or strong direction to the sheep. From the tolerance of sexual abuse to liturgical abuse to doctrinal error–the leaven not being purged has corrupted the whole lump.In my state the voters, a large number of whom are Catholic, keep electing pro abortion Catholics to office…then the laity denounce the bishops for not excommunicating them!
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