I’m afraid that the group in question gets to define what is offensive to them. Who else should define it?
And I’m afraid that they seem to have put together a thoughtful video outlining their reasons on the topic; that is hardly “throwing a tantrum”. How would you prefer them to outline their premise?
Taking “offense” is not of any merit unless it can be linked to real harm at some level. I might be offended when someone legitimately points out some actual failure or fault on my part, but that doesn’t mean the failure ought not be pointed out. It might be a signal for me to grow up, mature or develop some virtue or other.
The problem is that this kind of offense-taking has given inordinate legitimacy to hurt feelings at the expense and complete mitigation of discussion about what it means to be human in the first place and how the interests of one’s being counted as or valued as a human being have been discounted or harmed in the process.
The presumably settled definition of ‘human being’ appears to be “a thing with feelings,” such that anytime feelings are in any way slighted, that is the sole determiner of harm having been done. Has the state of humanity degenerated to the point that we are that pathetic?