The Sin of Sloth

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Now if I could only strap my laptop to me while I walk in my backyard…😛 :whacky:
:whacky: <— is right!

I could put my desk on wheels!!! :whacky:
sloth is probably my biggest vice. i’ll even skip meals sometimes because i’m just too lazy to get up and make even a sandwich. pretty awful.
We owe ourselves more, don’t we?

sloth is probably my biggest vice. i’ll even skip meals sometimes because i’m just too lazy to get up and make even a sandwich. pretty awful.
You do that too? I thought I was the only one. Sometimes I just rationalize it and try to fool God into thinking that I’m doing something noble. I’ll be like, “I offer up my mild hunger as a sacrifice.” God’s probably like, “:ehh: Sweetchuck, you are one lazy dude.”

Or, I’ll just think of this kind of sloth as gluttony prevention.

Sloth, in my opinion, is the easiest sin to rationalize away.
jrabs, thank you for sharing your experience regarding aspirational prayer. That type of prayer was key to my overcoming other sins, but I hadn’t thought of it for this one.

BLB, I’m not sure giving up the forum entirely is a good idea; after all we can encourage each other (Heb 3:13) and not just in this thread. But excessively looking things up or responding to a half-dozen threads in a night might not be the best course for those of us with sloth problems! 🙂

We don’t have to give away personal details to confess our sins to each other (James 5:16) but we could mention how it’s going: I have so far been less inclined to dawdle but have yet to tackle the thing in question. So I think the graces are working, in faith and in hope, and if we live in Christ Jesus may we continue to pray for each other, and it shall be done (Matthew 18:19)!

I suspect sloth is related to gluttony. I say this because it seems to me that when one rejects one necessary activity, it is because one wants too much of another. It may be one thing or some other thing, but I suspect that in some cases at least, sloth and gluttony are necessary opposing sins which coincide.

I am guilty of this sin, and I feel it even more that I am married to somebody who is a paragon of hard work. He never sits down. I try very hard to emulate him, but I don’t measure up.
I actually have a huge problem with sloth. Out of all the Seven Deadly sins, I fear Sloth the most right now. I tend to always put off class assingments to the last minute, which results in a half hearted effort. Sometimes I put off praying the rosary until late at night before I go to sleep which sometimes results in me falling asleep while praying the rosary. I haven’t been reading scripture as much as I used to. I hate the sins that I commit out of sloth. And now I’m wondering if the sins I commit are mortally sinful or not. I wouldn’t be suprised if I found out that God was very angry with me because of this.
I actually have a huge problem with sloth. Out of all the Seven Deadly sins, I fear Sloth the most right now. I tend to always put off class assingments to the last minute, which results in a half hearted effort. Sometimes I put off praying the rosary until late at night before I go to sleep which sometimes results in me falling asleep while praying the rosary. I haven’t been reading scripture as much as I used to. I hate the sins that I commit out of sloth. And now I’m wondering if the sins I commit are mortally sinful or not. I wouldn’t be suprised if I found out that God was very angry with me because of this.
Open up a dialogue with Christ. I find that in my darkest times, this has helped me out. It may initially feel weird talking to someone who doesn’t talk back on a sensory level, but speak openly with Him when you’re alone. He knows all your sins, so be honest. Go to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Go to daily Mass if you can. I think we often reward hard work with sloth rather than rest. I know I do. And as we know, sin is the fruit of sin.

I think sloth is the result of the cumulative effect of venial sins, like all those little obnoxious enemies in video games that slowly but surely take away your health points so you stand no chance against the game bosses. For those who don’t play video games, perhaps a better analogy is: “Sloth: life’s little snooze button.”

We should heed the warning in Rev. 3:15-16: “I know your works; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”
Catholicism for Dummies has a wonderful little passage on sloth and I wish I could quote it word for word. But basically it says that sloth leads to lukewarmness, boredom, then indifference then kind of a paralysis and finally despair. I realized this was exactly what was happening to me in many areas of my life. For years I have been working hard to lose weight and get in shape, and let everything else go it seems. Plus I was avoiding tasks that caused stress. Avoiding stress is what it’s all about, right? At least that’s what everyone says, but I don’t think it’s possible to live a full life without stress points.
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